Do you have any idea what clogging is?
Did you know that clogging is considered the melting pot of dances because it can be used for any type of music?
Clogging started in the 1700s so it was very traditional when it started.

“Traditional clogging, also known as “drag-style clogging,” is a percussive dance where a dancer produces rhythmic sounds from steel double taps positioned on the heel and toe of the shoe. The sound then combines with the rhythm of the music which was usually bluegrass. Many times mountain figures, or square dance figures, are combined with freestyle clogging footwork to form hoedowns,” Dance Advantage explained on their blog.

However, the great part about clogging is it evolves with the times.
Plus it also incorporates or blends other dance styles and cultures with its dance step. In the 21st Century, clogging has evolved to a mix of tap, jazz, ballet, hip-hop, and pointe.
It has also been more visible in popular culture with clogging dance groups joining talent shows including America’s Got Talent, America’s Best Dance Crew, and So You Think You Can Dance.

Not everyone is born to clog.
Some just learn it along the way and become really good at it. One of those people is Miss Moonshine.
She loves being active, learning new things, and taking care of herself. Miss Moonshine loves to enjoy her life and takes advantage of opportunities to do that.
One of those instances was during the Chomp and Stomp Festival in Atlanta, Georgia. The Yellow Dandies, a bluegrass band, was playing at the festival.
We’re not quite sure how it happened but Miss Moonshine had her dancing board right in front of The Yellow Dandies.

They played the fastest bluegrass fiddle tune ever with Big Mon.
Miss Moonshine was ready to dance but she knows how to get started. She needed a feel for the music first and gauge how she was going to jump in with her dance.
Her pink dress is ready to sway and her pink boots are ready to start tapping.

We love how she started swaying to the music first.
Then you can hear her boots tapping to the music.
Slow at first. One at a time. When you look at her face, you can imagine her mind already forming the choreography and what her first step will be.

A few seconds later, she’s got it.
With a smile on her face and the bobbing of her head, she lifts her arms up so she can freely tap dance to the music.
Is it too fast? Is the tempo too fast? Looks like it’s just the exact tempo for Miss Moonshine.
She was able to follow the beat and dance different sequences.
This is proof that Miss Moonshine loves to clog dance. Look at her just go!

Even viewers were astounded at her skills.
“Love that buckdancing, especially the triumphant gestures near the end where Ms. Moonshine really hit her straps. She felt it, hell we all did,” @sandymacpherson9400 said.
“Wow! This isn’t even my kind of dancing or music but it’s amazing! She’s got so much talent. I love it. I think I just found my new kind of dancing and music now. This looks like so much fun…I wish I had been there to see it live,” @davef1976 added.
“I was NOT expecting to like it…..but damn how could you not?!? They are great musicians and she is a talent beyond belief!” @isabellavalencia8206 exclaimed.

Want to see how Miss Moonshine makes clogging look so easy? Watch the video below!
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