Good dancing is one of the best types of entertainment. It’s easy to follow along, there’s rarely score keeping, and you don’y have to pick teams. Not to mention dancers make something so complicated look so easy- its nearly impossible to pull your eyes from the stage. These twin cloggers, dancing for a championship trophy are a perfect example of this.

You may know clogging as tap dancing or even line dancing. There is a variety of dances within the realm of clogging; anything that involves striking the foot to create a sound that resembles the beat, rhythm, or melody of a song is considered a ‘clog’.
The most well-known of these is probably tap dancing. Little girls in tutus or a line of women kicking their legs in sync are some popular examples of tap dancing.

Sisters stealing the stage.
Madison and Morgan Mallum are more than average cloggers or tap dancers. These twins have a special chemistry that sets them apart and makes them stand out during competitions. Their talent is obvious in every routine. Their feet move so fast you can’t keep up, but don’t want to look away and miss something.

They say that twins have a special bond, stronger than regular siblings. Just from the way that they look at each other, you can tell that Morgan and Madison have something special, and thats before they even start dancing!

The routine.
The two have incredible skill and have been practicing as dance partners for a very long time.Their feet move perfectly in sync and are so quick its as if they’re barely touching the floor. Whether they’re beside each other or holding onto one another the two never miss a beat.

They really impressed the crowd when they started getting creative. One of the moves involved one tapping backwards and moving through a ring they made with their arms combined, leaving everyone watching online and in the audience wondering how they did it.

The reactions.
Since it was posted the video has gained over a million views, with the comment section filled with positive words complimenting the girls skill, poise, and energy. “Perfect…just perfect.” one viewer says. One viewer speaks for almost all of us when she thanks the girls for the for the video, “Thank you ladies, for all your hard hours of practice so we can enjoy your performance.” See for yourself how amazing these sisters in the video below!
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