When you think of a ‘professional dancer,’ what comes to mind? A ballerina that performs for the masses in a renowned ballet company? Maybe a touring dancer that moves with the biggest artists in Hollywood? When in reality – dancers come in all forms – all ages – and all sizes!
Why not set your goals sky-high?
When you set your mind to something, there is really nothing stopping you from achieving it, except for yourself, of course. And when you set that goal at a super young age? The sky is the limit! You can spend years perfecting your craft – like the little girl in the video you’re about to watch.
Award-winning professional ballroom dancer and choreographer, Oleg Astakhov, showcased the video on his YouTube channel. Oleg is the founder of three dance studios – Beverly Hills Dance Studio, Ballroom Dancing LA Dance Studio, ViBE Dance Studio, and Fred Astair Arcadia Dance Studio.

Also appearing in the video is the beautiful and talented dancer Kristina Androsenko – she is no stranger to winning awards either. Kristina has over 22 years of experience and was a former US National Vice-champion in Ballroom Latin Show Dance, former Top 6 at the World Show Dance, as well as a private dance coach for 10 years.

The duo is well-known for teaching dance in all genres including bolero, cha-cha, salsa, mambo, merengue, swing, hustle, waltz, tango, foxtrot, rumba, samba, paso doble, jive, and quickstep – just to name a few!
So – how will this little girl keep up with this professional duo?

Once the little girl takes the ballroom floor, it’s obvious that she feels right at home. Taking in all of the skills that Oleg and Kristina have taught her, she joins them for a sassy and fun tango dance routine.
Her skills are incredible! Look at those little feet!

It’s pretty clear that this young girl is on the fast track to dancing stardom. She moves with perfect grace and rhythm – never missing a step. She has zero problem keeping up with the pros!
She has many more years of practice before she can be totally flawless like her teachers, but the young dancer is certainly on her way! She’s so fun and mesmerizing to watch as her hand movements and feet go faster and faster.
Showing off that attitude and sass!

Finding children that want to stay disciplined in any sort of hobby or craft is difficult. This little girl, however, seems like she is right at home. She probably spends hours dancing at home in front of the mirror in order to perfect her choreography.

The small dancer is definitely going places when it comes to her dance career. If she stays with it for the years to come, she could see herself dancing with some of the best in the world. After all, she already is!

Of course, YouTubers couldn’t hold back their awe of the young girl:
“She will be teaching you soon enough.ha ha…..Wow, very brilliant dancing..it looks like the heart of a lion in the body of a child.”
Everyone sees a star in the making:
“Future champion”

Keep an eye out for this little one! One day, we’ll be seeing the “way back when” of this starlet when she hits the big time.
Watch the impressive dance routine in the video below.
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