If you’ve ever visited a busy shopping location, you’ll be well aware of what a human statue is.
You find these street performers donned head-to-toe in paint, and their only real talent is their ability to stand statue-still in a variety of unusual positions. (Which, actually, is quite a talent. You give it a go yourself, and see how long it takes before you get the overwhelming urge to itch your eyebrow).
Anyway, the whole fun that comes with human statues is that you never know when they might move.

This certainly gives the element of surprise, especially if you’re posing for a photo, unaware that a human statue has silently moved uncomfortably close behind your back.
While we’ve all seen human statues before, today, we bring something you’ve probably never witnessed yourself.
It’s random but true – a dubstep dance showdown between a human and a human statue really did happen.
Introducing the two opponents: Noster, real name Noah Kenaley; and a human statue that goes by the name Eclypse.

The video begins right as the action is about to start, with man and man-statue stretching and preparing to do their worst.
At Eclypse the human statue’s invitation, Noster begins.
There’s only a small crowd gathered around, but Noster doesn’t need an audience to strut his stuff. He launches into a series of slow, precise robot dance moves – and he’s good.

It’s clear from the get-go that Noster is an experienced dancer. Stuff like this might look easy, but trust us when we say it’s much harder to do a whole-body roll that actually looks good.
A quick glance at Noster’s YouTube channel confirms this – his “About” page says he’s an artist with interests in film, music, and dance.
After showing off some of his best moves to Skrillex’s remix of the electronic track “Levels” by DJ legend, Avicii, Noster’s turn is up.

Eclypse is all fired up and ready to go – but has he got what it takes to out-dance a professional?
After making the crowd chuckle by seeming ready to applaud Noster for his performance, only to give him a “you were so-so” hand-gesture, Eclypse gets going on his own spontaneous routine.
We’ll say right away that Noster had an advantage over Eclypse, as Eclypse can only dance on his small platform.

But in no way does that take away from this human statue’s incredible dancing skills.
The crowd was left open-mouthed as Eclypse showed Noster, in the form of dance, who this part of town belonged to.

Turns out Eclypse is a professional dancer, too (who’d’ve thought?). He’s a member of The Millennium Robots, a Cincinnati-based street-style dance performance group, which specializes in the specific style of “robotic animation”
Though the video was posted practically in the internet dinosaur years, way back in 2013, it has since accumulated a staggering 19 million views.
People in the comments were full of praise for the talented dancers, congratulating them both for their performance.

One person came up with a good idea for keeping the competition going, writing:
“Those statue dudes should be the gatekeepers to dance competitions. To enter, you gotta beat them.”
If dance-offs are your thing, you’ll love this video! We’ve shared it below for your enjoyment.
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