Evolution is constant. It works with time and so long as the world turns, the sun sets and the moon rises, we all move forward whether we are ready or not. And try not to blink. You’ll never know what you’ve missed.
Lucky us then that we have talented performers such as TheLuhya. This man delivered a spectacular dance that traversed decades of styles.

He joined the talent show while dedicating his performance to his late hip-hop teacher who passed away.
No costume needed. Just a shirt, slacks, and sneakers. This guy wants his audience to focus on his talents. He starts it off with the Charleston from the 1920s, shuffling his feet around to a catchy tune from Sam Levine. Good, isn’t he?
From there, the music jumps to “Hound Dog” by Elvis, to which he shakes his legs and hips like the King.

He’s got those legs going and he powers on to James Brown’s “I feel good“. The audience loves it and he’s just started! How about a split? Effortless!
The Jackson 5 comes on through the speakers and this dude does the actual dance for the song as well. Now he’s entered Motown territory but he surprises the crowd with the “robot“. Pure skill.

And he’s probably the only guy to transition from the robot to 70’s disco. He boogies to The Bee Gees “Staying alive” for awhile before he goes to “The Jive“. But he’s got more.

Michael Jackson’s “Billie Jean” is perhaps one of the most iconic song and dance combos of all time.
The intro alone gets audiences screaming their heads off. This man executes the same moves with unbelievable precision. And the moment he moonwalks, you can feel the excitement in the crowd!

On to the 80’s now. He goes popping and locking, eliciting laughs and cheers once again. Can this guy move or what?!

Now, jump on it!
Now he’s just having fun and it clearly shows. When he enters the 90’s, Tom Jones’ “It’s not unusual” has him dong the Carlton. Remember The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?
The man’s got moves for days and even years. He gets into the hip-hop groove now, going to the classic “Running man” before shifting to “Hammertime!” Ah, the 90’s. Good times.

And what’s the 90’s without the “Macarena“?
And just like that, the new millennium came. So crank it up, soulja boy! Throw in a little Beyonce in there! The millennium was all about hip-hop and R&B. Song after song, TheLuhya shows his entire repertoire of dance moves. Including the party rock shuffle!

Oppa Gangnam Style!
The Korean craze was in full swing from 2010 onwards. And everyone caught the fever. And when that’s done, he goes to the dubstep. Don’t you wish you could move like that? Or even have a small portion of his moves?

He’s even got his own lyrical choreography. It’s clear he’s put a lot of time and effort into his performance. TheLuhya rounds it up with Bruno Mars’ “24k Magic“.
And when he takes his final bow, the audience gives him a standing ovation with the loudest cheers heard that night. Of course he won!

Shuffle, jive, dip, and shake in your seat as you watch his awesome dancing below! Volume up!
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