During the last decade or so, the 20s have made a dynamic comeback, getting young Millenials to dance to the sounds of upbeat music, with swing and Carolina shag being the most prevalent dances among the rest.
The popular 20s dances have been gradually getting more and more attention and attracting larger crowds, while festivals and contests are organized these days.

One of them is the Rock That Swing festival that is organized every year in Munich, Germany.
During the five days of the festival, dancers have the chance to dance to their favorite 20s-50s music, listen to amazing bands, and meet other dancers who are passionate about the swing from all over the world.
2019 seems to have been a great year for the festival, with some of the most incredible dancers sharing the stage and catching everyone’s eyes!
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One of the best couples that took the stage were Stephen and Chanzie, who danced to the sounds of Twisting The Night Away and left everyone asking for more.
The dance partners first met back in 2006 but they became official dance partners in 2010, as they explained during a 2019 interview.
“I met Chanzie in 2006 or so,” Stephen said. “We were friends for four years,” Chanzie went on to explain, “danced socially, and then a competition came up and we said ‘Let’s do it!’ and then it went good, so we did more and more.”

So, back in 2019 and at Deutsches Theater, where Stephen and Chanzie get on the stage. Chanzie is wearing a beautiful burgundy midi skirt, while Steve is rocking a green blazer.
Even from the very first moves they make, the audience can’t get their eyes off of them. Their moves are smooth and flawless, and the duo effortlessly twist their waists as if they were moving on their own, as if they were not attached to their bodies.
While Chanzie with her moves impresses the audience, Stephen’s smooth and elegant moves also catch the eye of the crowd, making them cheer and applaud for them.

At times, the couple looks as if their feet weren’t touching the ground. The partners have danced thousands of times together, so the chemistry between them is undeniable. One knows exactly what the other is going to do, and they act as one the whole time, in perfect unison.
Some of the moves that have the crowd cheering is when Steve lifts Chanzie, or when, towards the end, he lifts ler and she does the splits right afterwards.

The video has gone viral on YouTube with more than 1.5 million views and thousands of upvotes.
YouTube users have also left words of praise for the two dancers below the video, and they can’t hide their admiration for the couple.

“This couple will become a living legend of swing,” and “Watching these two lowers my blood pressure in seconds. Love ‘em,” users wrote, while someone else commented: “What a joy. They make the dance look effortless– and like they’re having so much fun. Thanks, Chanzie & Stephen!”
Below, you can watch the duo dancing away and see for yourself how good they are at what they’re doing!
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