The Urban Dance Camp of Lörrach, Germany is an intensive class which chews prospective students up and spits out skilled, talented dancers. Their intensive workshops have been creating top-tier dances for over 16 years. They’re an international school, and churn out movers and shakers on a global scale.
So when their students perform, it’s guaranteed to be good.

One performance, by two of their students have the world’s jaws on the floor.
Joseph Tsosh & Alisa T. take to the stage to dazzle the other students with this fantastic routine which they choreographed and performed themselves.
They are an incredibly skilled duo of dancers, and watching them will leave you well and truly dazzled.
The song they dance to is Ben E. King’s “Stand by Me”, perfect for a lighthearted dance by two.

Their movements are precise, and dynamic.
From one move to the next, they are expressive and tell a wonderful tale through subtle gestures and generous performances. As one commenter says rather well:
“I think this is one of the best I’ve seen! It tells a story instead of just being dance moves! Amazing!”- Grace Butcher

And their synchronizations are mind-blowing!
With physical movement illusion that would make a puppeteer jealous, they coordinate movements that truly boggle the brain.

What seems to have captured the hearts of viewers is the natural chemistry that these two share.
You do have to wonder if these two dancers are in fact in a relationship, because there is such a bright spark between them. Stand by Me lends itself to a song about good will between two people, but you find yourself hoping that they are actually together.
That chemistry has to come from somewhere!

Their dance style is fun and inventive.
At times adorably silly, you have nearly as much fun witching this routine as they must have had choreographing and performing it.
It’s worth noting however that it never comes off as ridiculous because by every affable turn, their skill shines through more brightly than anything.

While this isn’t actually “The Robot”, their mechanical dance style is mesmerizing.
Their illusions of movement are created by nailing their moves perfectly in-sync, and by creating dynamic shapes. They form interesting “tableaus”, or formations of their bodies together. By thinking outside of the choreography box, they make a routine for a song that is relatively “old-school” and slow tempo, genuinely engaging.

And just when you think it’s all over…It is not!
Toward the end of the video they stop and you can hear cheering from off screen. It sounds like a rapturous applause and a hat is thrown onto the stage for Joseph. It’s got to be over right?

Nope, false!
They kick back into their routine and get a few more moves in. And don’t worry, by this point you’re begging for more because their choreography and skills are just so thrilling to watch.

Eventually the routine does come to a close, and the other students are revealed, and it seems like they enjoyed it as much as I did.
Watch the full video below to enjoy this stunning performance by two insanely talented dancers!
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