Anyone who has ever tried rollerblading will know that it’s not easy. Most of us fall flat on our faces or struggle to even stay in a straight line with rollerblades on our feet. But there are some rare and amazing people out there who somehow make it all look easy.
Sofia Bogdanova is one of those people. Born on August 6 of 2005 in Moscow, Russia, Sofia is a highly talented rollerblading professional.
She’s been skating since she was just 4 years old after her parents enlisted her in classes at a local skating school, and she’s developed into one of the most decorated young talents of the skating world, winning nine European Championships and six World Championships too.

In this incredible clip, we can see Sofia performing at the 2017 SSO Junior Female Classic Slalom.
Sofia begins her performance by posing gracefully alongside three lines of colored cones. The green cones are spaced quite far apart, the purple cones are a little closer, and then the blue cones are very close together.
Over the course of her performance, Sofia blows us away by skating flawlessly between all three of those lines.

Beautiful, fantastical music starts to play as Sofia glides gracefully in and out of the purple cones, spinning and twirling like a fairy as she passes easily between them.
Moments later, as ‘The Arena’ by talented violinist Lindsey Stirling builds up in pace and rhythm, Sofia dives across to the blue cones, and then to the green, effortlessly dancing between them.
At one moment, she even lowers herself down to balance on just one foot and skate backwards in and out of the green cones.

Twirling around and around each of the cones in turn, Sofia doesn’t miss a single beat!
Whether she’s balancing on one foot, stepping up on her tiptoes, or letting herself roll elegant backwards without even looking at the cones, she pulls off the whole performance with grace, poise, and beauty.
And let’s not forget that she was only 12 years old at the time!

Dressed in a light purple gown that flows around in time with her movements, Sofia wows the assembled audience with her amazing abilities.
Unsurprisingly, she claimed the first place prize at this event and has gone on to enjoy even more success at many other skating championships around the world, as well as joining up with the Russian National Team.
She’s clearly a very special talent, destined for even bigger and better things in the skating world, and she’s still striving for improvement, training five times a week.

The amazing video of Sofia’s performance has been viewed over 40 million times already, and she’s amassed a huge following on social media too, often sharing clips and snaps from her training and travels around the world on Instagram.
She’s one of the best young skaters out there right now, and we really can’t wait to see what she does next! Check out the video below to see Sofia in action.
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