High school talent shows tend to showcase all sorts of interesting skills and abilities.
If you go to one, then you’re likely to see jugglers, musicians, gymnasts, and all sorts of other talented individuals.

But at its core, a talent show is more about entertainment than it is about showing off certain skills.
So when one group of boys decided that they wanted to entertain their fellow classmates, they knew exactly how to do it.
With Christmas approaching, these 4 young men decided to recreate the Jingle Bell Rock dance scene from Mean Girls.
In the video below, you can watch as these guys come out onto the stage wearing nothing but Santa-themed gym shorts, long socks, and Santa hats.

They stand in the middle of the stage–posing the same way that the girls do in the movie–and get ready to perform.
The person at the end of the group runs up to the CD player that is sitting on the end of the stage.
He bends down, just like the girl in the movie, and presses play.

Then he runs back over to his group of guys and the music starts to play.
The lyrics come in and right on cue, the boys start walking forward in unison.
The crowd goes wild, screaming and cheering for their fellow classmates.

The guys get to the front of the stage and twirl their hands in the air before dropping their hips and rotating them low and slow.
The crowd loves this move just as much as their initial walk.

They raise their arms back into the air and rotate their hips once more before slapping their hands down onto the insides of their thighs.
This produces a cheer from the crowd that is louder than anything they’ve let out so far.
A few of the boys on stage can’t help but let out big, cheesy smiles, knowing that their routine is a big hit.

Then comes the point in the routine where everything starts to fall apart.
In the movie, two of the girls bump into each other after one of them turns the wrong way.
The boys pull this off perfectly, with one boy knocking the other one to the ground.

When he gets back up, the CD player malfunctions and the song starts to skip.
He runs over to try and fix it but ends up kicking it instead.

This causes the music to stop playing altogether and the boys just stand there looking at each other.

Then, like in the movie, one of them starts to sing the lyrics without any music, prompting the rest of the crowd to sing along as well.
What’s funny about the boys’ routine, however, is that they actually have a person come out with a sign that says, “SING” on it.
Since this is real life and not a movie, they needed to get the crowd singing along somehow.
It works flawlessly, and everyone in the building chimes in.

Someone even starts playing the piano for the boys to dance to, just like in the movie.
They finish up and get a huge round of applause from the audience before running off the stage.

Check out the video below to watch this hilarious performance and be sure to share it with a friend!
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