People treat half-time breaks differently. For many, this is the time to restock on snacks or drinks. It might also be a great time to find out where the bathrooms are. If you’re watching an important game, checking up on people’s reactions on Twitter or verbally venting your frustrations to unsuspecting neighbors is another way to go.
Mid-game breaks are also when participating teams give their respective marching bands and cheerleaders a chance to shine.

A performance worth watching
More often than not, watching their performances can be just as exciting as the games themselves. Take the example of The Woodlands High School’s Highsteppers.
TWHS Highsteppers are not your average cheerleading squad with pom-poms. They’re known for performing a high stepping style that can be traced as far back as forty or more years ago.
If you pay close attention to this style, you’ll notice a lot that reminds you of gymnastics or synchronized swimming. If it doesn’t sound exciting enough, this viral video of their performance during a game between TWHS and Conroe High School will definitely change your mind.

Getting started
It starts off with the High Steppers simply walking in sync to the center of the field to hold their positions before the band begins to play. Yet, somehow, even that was impressive.
Clad in white and green, the High Steppers take their positions and wait. The band takes the lead, and what follows is a series of simple yet thorough moves. You can’t help but think that you could do that yourself. You probably can’t.
There are fifty-two girls in this squad, and all of them move as one – that’s the beauty of it all, and it takes an incredible amount of skill, practice, and choreography to do right.

High kicks, acro-yoga poses, twirls, salutes, synced wave movements, the whole nine yards – it’s all there. It took countless hours of practice for them to perfect a flawless routine that only lasts minutes but leaves the audience stunned and shouting for more.
If you don’t believe us, watch it for yourself in the video below.
But first, let’s look into the phenomenon of football game performances.

Why do teams need bands and cheerleaders?
The first would be entertainment. You don’t have to do anything during game breaks, just sit and watch while you wait for the game to resume. It’s also a great way to calm your nerves if the game isn’t going as well as you hoped it would. We all know one person who takes sports seriously, and this is for them.
A chance to let loose
There’s something about shouting at the top of your lungs that just calms you regardless of how bad of a mood you’re in. Sadly, there aren’t many places in our life where that kind of behavior is acceptable. So, this is your chance to test those lungs.

For the team
Second would be to boost their team’s morale. For players, there’s nothing as difficult as playing in a field surrounded by disappointed or disinterested fans. The band and cheerleaders all work together to raise the crowd’s mood through chants and cheers to give their team players that extra juice to play on regardless of how they played previously.

And through dedication
Finally, for the cheerleaders and band members themselves, it’s an opportunity to pour their hearts into something other than themselves. They’ll learn valuable life lessons about teamwork, diligence, self-discipline, and more. It is no simple task knowing that how well you do your job affects not just the mood of your fans but the performance of the entire team.

While we all can’t sign up for marching bands and cheerleading squads, I hope this gives you an excuse to lose yourself in the full experience of watching a live game.
Raise your voice and give a cheer.
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TWHS Highsteppers Performance Videos via YouTube