There is a very special bond between grandparents and grandchildren. I have heard this really nice Greek saying once it went like this “my child’s child is twice my child”. What a beautiful saying and how deep and meaningful is.
Who doesn’t remember the moments with their grandparents, all those little adventures and games? And imagine if you have shared a memory that will always accompany you in your later years when these beautiful people are no longer with you.

Well, this little girl from Massachusetts can claim that she was lucky to have experienced a lovely moment along with her grandfather that will stay with her forever!
The 10-year-old Maeve Jones was preparing for her annual tap dance recital and she thought to ask the help of her grandfather with her performance! Of course, she didn’t choose her grandfather randomly as he turns out to be a veteran dancer himself.

As a matter of fact, the 72-year-old grandad, Bill Jones, was raised by dance enthusiasts. His own grandmother was a professional dancer and he used to dance with his father when he was little. Thus, it’s only natural to assume that dancing runs in the family’s veins and now grandad Bill will be proud to claim that he’s had the opportunity to perform with his own granddaughter on stage.

The dancing duo chose for their performance Anna Kendrick’s When I’m Gone, you might remember as Cups from the film Pitch Perfect. The song was originally performed by the Carter Family back in 1931 and it was usually performed a cappella with the use of cup as a percussion, exactly as Kendrick does in the film.

In the video of the tapping performance, uploaded by Maeve’s mom on YouTube, we can see the dancing duo dressed similarly in blue and white outfits, smiling brightly. They go to the center of the stage hand-in-hand, which makes it even more adorable!
The music starts and they dive directly into their routine. They are totally in sync and you can see that they have probably spent a lot of time preparing for this day as they are definitely slaying it!

The comments on YouTube were dithyrambic, with more than 3 million views. The physically present and online audience loved their performance!
One woman emotionally said, “I was very close to my grandpa. He’s been gone 21 years. This brought me to tears. This little girl will cherish this!”.
While another exclaimed, “The little girl did the cartwheel, but when her grandfather did it all, I could say was woohoo! They did a wonderful job. You go, grandfather!”. It was certainly memorable for everyone!

The lyrics of the song make their performance even more emotional and significant as someday in the future the little girl will gonna look back at these days and she will be missing her awesome grandad. Of course, let’s hope Bill will be as lively and healthy as he appears to be in the video for many years to come, and he will continue to dance with Meave.
If you would like to see their full performance, don’t forget to watch on the video below.
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