Swing dancing. Yes, it’s an older style. Dating back to the 1920s in fact. The great thing about Swing is that it has experienced a resurgence thanks to enthusiasts who made it a point to carry on the style, even teaching the next generations to ensure it remains in popular culture.
But how about pairing a legend and an up and coming talent? Robert Royston is one such legend with Alexis Garrish as the new kid on the block with the responsibility of carrying the Swing all the way into the future.

These two champions have been summoned by the gods of swing for a little demonstration to show how much fun the dance is. That dance floor better be up for this duo!

At the age of fifteen, Alexis Garrish was already a US Open Swing Dance Champion with her partner Ryan Boz. To think they were only dancing for a year before they took home the gold.
Robert Royston has the honor of being called champion for four years straight. The man is not someone to mess with on the dance floor.

Put these two together and you have a perfect combination for a good swinging time!
The Beautiful Times Blog says that “Swing Dance” is a group dance that developed with the swing style jazz music of the roaring twenties, all the way to the big band era and on to the fifties. It’s got quite a history.

Robert Royston himself has been teaching the dance for years. He explains his philosophy,
“If you understand some basic swing elements you can put them together a lot like Legos to make up the different style of Swing.”
We’re talking the walking, touch stepping, triple stepping, and kick ball changes. Search for Royston’s videos and you could learn a thing or two.

This is the Liberty Swing Dance Championship and the master of ceremonies is man named John Lindo. This is a yearly event held in New Jersey. Here’s one of the more crowd pleasing moments of the weekend. The Johnvitational.
This is by invite only. John only wants the who’s who and the best of the best.

Robert and Alexis? You bet!
The music is… different from the usual picks for Swing dancing. It’s not one of those uptempo, foot tapping jams good for fancy footwork and stunning spins. Robert chose “slow blues”. He explains,
“Slow blues, because this generation can swing.”

Two champions take the floor and then go on to tell a story with their talents. There’s so much joy and emotions emanating from these two. IT’s clear to see that they really do love dancing. It’s an art form that allows them to express themselves.

Even online viewers are all praises,
“Now that’s what I call dancing that is pure unspeakable undeniable perfect dancing.”
That’s right it is. Here’s another one,
“Such a beautiful and fun dance style, whether we know it as “Swing” or the “Lindy Hop” (Both from Harlem, NY) or the “shag” dance, as it is known in the Carolinas.”
The man knows his history. And for sure, Robert and Alexis have carved their own places in the Swing dance books for future generations to look back on. Keep dancing!

Watch the video below and see how smooth and effortless these two champions move!
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Source: YouTube, US Open Swing, Liberty Swing