Have you ever stepped onto the ice with a couple of sharp blades on your feet? Then you know how difficult it is to balance and move until you get the feel of it. Now imagine if you were just three-years-old? You’ve just recently taken up this whole walking thing, and now you’re balancing on two blades on a super slick surface. You must be thinking this is a recipe for disaster until you see this little gal take the ice.

For something that is so difficult for full-grown adults to do, it must be IMPOSSIBLE for kids to do…right?
Wrong! In fact some kids are very good at it. What’s more, some kids are utterly adorable while they take to the ice. Young Brynn Cartagena shows us how you do it when she glides out for her winning routine in the Magnolia Open Ice Skating Competition.

Before Brynn heads out you can see that she’s a little bit nervous, as anyone would be before competing on the slipperiest surface one can perform on. This was Brynn’s shot at competing after only 8 weeks of being on the ice!
With that in mind, Brynn’s whole routine is seriously impressive!

As Brynn moves out to center ice and strikes a pose, she looks nervous but poised for greatness.
She’s got a bit of confidence too, as you can see. She waves to the judges. She hits her mark, stumbles a little bit, and then a great smile appears on her face.

Even though at this point of her performance we haven’t seen any of her skills yet, we can already tell that she loves figure skating. She’s brimming with passion, and it’s clear that there’s nowhere she’d rather be.

Then it’s all show-time!
As the music rises, Brynn begins to skate. Her performance song is of course the only song you’d expect to see someone figure skate to…”Muffin Man!”

Ok, I doubt you’d foresee Michelle Kwan doing what she does best to “Old McDonald”, but this song works for young Brynn and it couldn’t be more charming as she wins over the crowd and judges alike.

I can hardly stay upright on ice, but Brynn is pulling out all her moves!
Watching this, you feel equal parts impressed and nervous that such a young skater should be one stride away from falling over! That moment never comes though, and slowly that feeling is substituted with wonder for this delightful and impressive young competitor.

Brynn can spin, that’s how you win!
Granted she’s not turning into the Tasmanian Devil, but once again, doing this on ice is seriously more difficult (and scary) than it looks. She zips back and forth on the ice with splendid gusto. She seems proud of herself and how it’s going. She was born for this!

For the big finale, Brynn returns to center-stage to strike her toes-up-pose.
The huge smile on her face is all you need to know that Brynn is having the time of her life out there on the ice. She knows she did well, and it seems she has a sincere talent. And if this is what she can do after only 8 weeks, imagine what she’ll be capable of in the future!

At only three-years-old, she already has earned a 1st place win – so she’s instantly off to a bright future with a victory under her belt so young on the ice.

Watch the full video below to experience Brynn’s aspiring talent!
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