Engaged couples put a lot of time and effort into planning their weddings – between the food, decor, and finding that perfect venue. Those, of course, are only a few of the million-and-one things on a wedding checklist, which also includes selecting a song for the first dance. Although that decision doesn’t sound quite as difficult as others – some brides and grooms want to take their “first dance” to another level.

Chris and Savannah Braden decided to do something extra special for their Santa Barbara wedding. It required a lot of dance lessons though!
The couple was in the middle of planning their big day when Chris shared an idea he had. According to his bride’s Facebook page, he said:
“You know what we should do for our first dance? Dirty Dancing! But we are gonna have to do it good- real good…”

Lucky for Chris, Savannah immediately jumped on board and responded, “Heck, yes!” The pair then began a four-month journey of lessons to learn the iconic routine.
For many Dirty Dancing fans, being able to recreate the final dance would be like a fantasy come true! But could these two lovebirds pull it off?

On the day of their wedding, Chris and Savannah excitedly took the dance floor in front of guests. They were ready to give them all a show.
In the video, everyone’s surrounding the newlyweds as the song “(I’ve Had) The Time of My Life” begins playing through the speakers. Cheers can be heard as they transform themselves into the film’s lead characters, Johnny and Baby!

Get ready for an awesome Dirty Dancing performance with over 383K views on YouTube.
Chris and Savannah light up the dance floor with the routine’s classic moves. There’s the dip, followed by the passionate arm caress. But these guys are only getting started…

The speed picks up and they take off with the fancy footwork.
Not only does the couple do an incredible job recreating the dance, but it looks like they’re having a blast throughout it all! Turns out, Savannah was actually really nervous about “messing it up” – but as you’ll see, she’s a beautiful bride AND dancer.

She shared on Facebook:
“This dance was a team effort but wayyy more out of my comfort zone than his. I’m so grateful to have a life partner that encourages me to grow and challenge myself.”

What Dirty Dancing routine would be complete without “the lift?”
Chris and Savannah take on the unforgettable move, only theirs has a little bit of a twist! The groom flips his bride and hoists her up onto his shoulder. He then takes a loop around the dance floor while she’s in the arm-spread position. Unsurprisingly, they have everyone going wild!

Just like in the movie, “Johnny Castle” has a turn in the spotlight too.

The dance isn’t over yet though.
It’s an epic performance that the bride and groom really knock out of the park. Chris wrote on YouTube:
“What an incredible way to start our Marriage! We took about 4 months of dance lessons to pull this off. It was a cornerstone to the wedding and brought us even closer together during the lead up to the big day! … THANK YOU Felicia & Maddy @ I Heart My Groom for the amazing video. THANK YOU to Kyle @ The Dance Network Santa Barbara for the Fantastic Dance Lessons!”

It’s a first-dance you really have to see for yourself! Enjoy it by pressing play below.
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