Anyone with an internet connection has almost certainly seen the newest dance craze to explode on TikTok.
This dance was originally done on a popular TV show and people quickly started copying it.

The new Netflix show titled ‘Wednesday’ is a fun and fantastical take on the popular character.
Actress Jenna Ortega plays a perfectly moody and dour Wednesday on the show and in a very Wednesday way, dances to the beat of her own drum.
Jenna choreographed the dance herself taking inspiration from the original show as well as goth dancers in the 80’s.

Since the episode aired, there have been dozens, maybe even hundreds, of videos showing people copying this dance.
One of the most famous remakes was one that singer Lady Gaga did on her TikTok.
Well get ready for the best new version of this dance.

16-year-old Russian Figure Skater, Kamila Valieva, took her version to the ice.
In a competition earlier this month, Kamila brought all the dark attitude that Wednesday posses and she rocked an amazing performance.
Not even starting her routine on the ice, Kamila began by hiding behind a half wall with only her 1 hand showing.

Anyone who knows of the Addams Family will know about their handy helper known as Thing.
Kamila’s hand became Thing to start the show, snapping along with the shows well known theme song.
Thing then went behind the half wall and dragged Kamila into view, she hopped over the wall and onto the ice, then her performance really began.

Keeping a straight, uninterested face the entire time, Kamila radiated Wednesday vibes.
She copied a few moves directly from Ortega’s choreography on the show, and added in a few of her own.
The skater, dressed in a copy of Wednesday’s dress with double braids in her hair, flew around the ice in perfect form.

While the original version from the show obviously doesn’t have Wednesday jumping through the air, Kamila managed to fit her jumps seamlessly into the routine.
At one point during her performance, Kamila channels Wednesday so much that while she skated past the judges, she cleaned some ice off the bottom of her skate and flicked it at them.
One of the commenters on the Youtube video writes, “I really can’t get over how well she sells this. Throughout the entire performance, she was Wednesday Addams.”

Even at the end of her performance, Kamila didn’t break character once.
She kept the same straight blank face as she bowed to the crowd and gave the ice girls who delivered her a stuffed animal and some flowers only a very slight smile.
“Stayed in character even after the performance was over, haha. Stellar, she killed every part.” wrote another commenter.

The show has been renewed for a second season so hopefully we will get to see a bit more of Wednesday’s dancing.
Whether or not there is any more dancing in the show however, we hope that Kamila will keep dancing as the Wednesday character.
She truly knocked her performance out of the park, we can’t wait to see what she comes up with next.

Check out the amazingly clean and choreographed routine in the clip linked below.
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