One of the most awaited parts of a wedding is the father-daughter dance.
It’s always a sweet moment shared between a father and his daughter. It’s the last dance they will ever have with each other as a father with a single daughter. Sometimes, they’ll dance to a song that has a shared history for both of them. Or they’ll dance to a song that the bride especially picked for that moment. Or maybe they’ll dance to a song that has become a family wedding tradition.
Sean and his daughter, Allie, chose to dance to a traditional father-daughter dance song called “Butterfly Kisses” by Bob Carlisle.

It had the perfect backdrop.
They danced in front of a double staircase. There was a fog machine behind them, making the dance even more special. Sean held his daughter in his arms and they both had smiles on their faces. Although, the way Sean had his lips pursed, it looked like he was holding back tears.

Will they fall before the dance ends?
It was such a touching moment between a father and his “little girl.” He even twirled her during their dance. The two of them were talking while they were dancing. Maybe Sean was giving her advice on how to handle marriage. Or maybe he’s telling her how good (or bad) the food was.
Sean twirled her again, two times, and then they heard a record scratch.

What was that?
They both stopped dancing, confused and wondering what just happened when “What is Love” played on the speakers. Sean took off his coat, presumably to get to the bottom of the problem.
But the wedding guests knew what was happening.
Sean was getting ready for a special dance performance. What they didn’t realize was that Allie was part of that performance.

The guests screamed and cheered on the father-daughter tandem.
The two of them bobbed their heads to the music until the next song came on and it was a disco song! Of course, you gotta show off your disco moves with a disco song. Then a record scratch and a new song came on!
“You can’t touch this,” MC Hammer sang.

Are we going through different decades with each song?
It was time for the next song, what was it going to be this time? It’s a country song!
Good thing Allie’s wedding dress is flexible so she can line dance her way through the dance floor. And then the next song came on and J. Lo’s voice came blaring through the speakers.

Sean and Allie may not be the best dancers but it didn’t matter. They were having so much fun!
It was a moment that wasn’t going to happen again between the two of them. They’re going to make the most out of it now. Guests were now up on their feet, pumped up by the performance.
They went through 14 songs throughout the four-minute performance. That’s 15 different dance styles performed in four minutes!

Wonder how long they practiced that?
Lots of sleepless nights for sure. It was worth it because the guests all loved it!

Want to see the father-daughter mashup dance between Sean and Allie? Watch the video below.
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