We don’t know about you, but we have a soft spot in our hearts for dance movies.
Chances are you’ve seen one or more of this special sub-genre. In more recent years, we’re talking about movies like Step Up and Save the Last Dance. On the other hand, you could even include movies that are a little more seriously dramatic—movies like Billy Elliot or Black Swan. Still, it seems like the golden era of dance movies was the 1980s.
Still, dance movies don’t get much better than the 1987 classic Dirty Dancing.

By now, most people have probably seen the iconic story between Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze’s characters.
If you’ve ever uttered the phrase, “nobody puts baby in the corner,” you know exactly what we’re talking about. Although the movie came out a long time ago, it has reminded in the popular imagination ever since—it even got remade in 2017 as a for-TV movie with Abigail Breslin. Still, it’s hard to recreate the magic of the original ending scene set to “(I’ve Had) The Time of My Life” by Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes.
Still, that hasn’t stopped loyal fans of the film from trying!

For an example of what we’re talking about, we have to turn to this viral video sweeping the world from a dance school in Germany.
As the clip starts, all the school’s students come out in pairs to the middle of a huge dancehall while “Do You Love Me (Now That I Can Dance” plays. After they all take their places, the crowd probably noticed that all the dancers were wearing the same iconic outfits that Grey and Swayze were wearing in the original Dirty Dancing! After a few moments, the entry music dies down.
Sure enough, “(I’ve Had) The Time of My Life” starts playing—and the kids set into an adorable performance!

Almost immediately, the crowd starts clapping along.
To start things off, all the couples show off their technique with a few subtler moves, turns and steps. After a few moments, the energy picks up and everyone changes places around the dance floor. By the midpoint of the video, the dancers are ready to try something a bit more daring. All the men take a stand next to their partners for a lift.
Sure enough, all the women do a spin in the air and end up stretched out on their partner’s shoulders!

After this amazing move, the whole crowd bursts into applause!
Still, the performance isn’t over yet. After going back to the floor, everyone settles back into their steps and does a few more twirls. Towards the end, the men and women separate and go to opposite sides of the floor. Everyone dances towards each other again and one of the couples does another aerial maneuver to huge applause!
When it’s finally over, everyone gathers together in a line and takes a bow.

The dance teachers at the Tanzschule Bodscheller are definitely doing a great job—all their students captured the movie perfectly!
If you don’t believe us (or you haven’t seen Dirty Dancing, which you should), feel free to check out the clip of the movie’s final scene below:
As it turns out, though, this German dance school is definitely not the only dance group to be inspired by the song from the movie. Although it isn’t as similar to the dance from the movie as the other video is, a similar couples’ flash dance was arranged for at a shopping center in Mexico City! It all starts with a man in the middle of the dance floor and a woman coming up to him by escalator.
After a moment, the music starts playing and they dance together beautifully! Check it out for yourself:
Even if you haven’t seen the movie, it’s not hard to appreciate what these students were able to pull off.
As we said before, we love dance movies and it’s not hard to see why. Dancing is a very free and spontaneous way of communicating—and the energy it produces is infectious. After all, how else could a dance scene from a movie made almost 30 years ago still be so popular? You can’t pin it all on the screenplay and Patrick Swayze’s charisma, after all.
Salute to the Tanzschule Bodscheller for their hard work on a great performance! Check out the full video below:
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