If you’ve never seen what it looks like to line dance, you are about to find out!
Line dancing is some of the most fun you can have out on the floor, and most of the time, it’s not all that hard to learn.
Even more, when you are with a group of people who have practiced a routine together, the results look pretty amazing.

David Villellas is a line dance choreographer who has made some of the most viral line dances around!

“David Villellas has choreographed 28 dances, of which 18 have been co-choreographed. Their first published stepsheet on CopperKnob is Twister Kick from January 2008, with their most recent stepsheet of Snowflakes in January 2022.” – Copper Knob
Although you probably didn’t know it, line dancing isn’t just something that happens in Texas!
In fact, there are line dance groups, choreographers, and even tournaments all over the world.
In a popular video, we get to see David Villellas and one of his most viral dances at a festival in France!

If you didn’t know that line dancing was popular in France, you should now!

The video that was captured during the choreographed dance was so well-done that it went viral soon after.
Currently, the video has over 1.5 million views and over 200 comments.
It’s worth checking out. At the beginning of the video, we see about 20 people, all dressed to the nines in their cowboy hats, blue jeans, and plaid shirts.
In the rest of France, this might be out of place, but at the Festival OKIES à Sauzé-Vaussais, they fit right in!
Once the music starts, you see just how smooth these cowboys (and girls) really are.

Sliding around, spinning, and tipping their hats at the perfect time, you know that they have spent a lot of time prepping for their big moment.
Villellas choreographed the entire dance and you can see him at the front of the group.
He’s setting the pace and making sure everyone hits those times nice and tight (almost at tight as his jeans)!
The music isn’t exactly western, but it just goes to prove that you can line dance to anything.

When you think of line dancing, you normally think of twangy guitar and a fiddle.
This dance wasn’t choreographed to a country song, but the song was sung by a country singer; it’s Footloose!
Footloose is definitely not a country song, but the version that they use by Blake Shelton makes it feel a bit more authentic to line dancing roots.

As they near the end of the song, they space out and hit their final moves.

Like most things in line dancing, it isn’t a flashy finish, but a suave one.
With a cowboy kick and a tip of the hat, the group cheers and high-fives one another to celebrate.
Whether this was a competition or just a festival isn’t clear, but they know they did well!
Check out their fancy moves in the video below!
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