Watching dancers do their thing can sometimes be disheartening. We see people so talented and skilled in their profession and then realize that the only thing we can do it watch them online! It’s one thing to see an incredible individual and feel a little sheepish – it’s a whole different experience when that person is a child!

Whenever a kid can do something better than you can, it’s hard not to feel embarrassed!

YouTube is a place where you can be completely immersed in children who are better at you in almost every capacity! While we feel bad sometimes, it’s more of a laugh than anything. For those kids who actually are incredible, we can’t help but feel a sense of admiration for them.
One video showcases that perfectly.

In a video that has absolutely swept the world, two children dancers remind us “regular humans” why we never went into professional dancing in the first place!
The beginning of the video introduces us to the little girl.

Probably no older than five, we see a little girl saunter onto the dance floor with the attitude of a full-fledged teen. With her hands by her side and a kick in her step, she is all sass!
Next up is our introduction to the “young” man.

Swaggering out, as confident as can be, the little boy sets the stage for the performance. Walking up to the girl, he “takes a gander” as she pretends to be unaware of his presence. It seems like this dance is going to be all about her coming rejection of him!
When the two come together, we get out first look at the tension between the two of them.

From the start, it looks like the whole dance is about the “tension” between the two little kids and their relationship. The boy “makes a move” and is rewarded with her “skipping away” from him, to his incredulity.
Finally coming together, the two showcase the real skill they have.

With incredible footwork, smooth moves, and a personality the size of the moon, these two are born for the show. With the music switching over to a classic Latin beat, the dancers have their first moment together to dance with one another.
Ending the first half of the song, there is still more to come!

When the music ends, the children flourish, giving the impression that they are done. But it is not so! They are only halfway through their performance! The next scene is even better than the first.
They decided to use some objects in this dance!

Jumping into the next portion of the dance, the music swings from rock and roll to R&B.

There is no limit to the way these kids can dance! It seems that no matter the dance, they are ready to wow the crowd. As the music goes on, we see what they are dancing for – a wedding! Their friends are getting married, and they are putting on a show!

When the music ends, you feel like you only got a taste of what these two can do.
With over 100 million views, this video has been seen by TONS of people! After watching it, you will see for yourself that it is all well deserved. We can’t wait to see these kids when they are older!
Check out the video below!
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