Ireland. A country of magnificent scenery boasting lush landscapes, majestic mountains, and a wide expanse of ocean. It really is a beautiful place. The country’s heritage and culture are so rich that they’ve endured and influenced so much in pop culture for decades. If you want folklore and enchanting tales, look no further.

The Celtic culture is here to stay.
The Irish are a proud lot and anyone with Irish blood will be more than happy to share stories of their family and background. And if they can share something of their culture with everyone, they will happily oblige.

The bride and groom dance
When Chris and Lauren got married, they went back to their Irish roots and decided to share that fact with their wedding guests. How about a little dance? And it’s not the typical wedding dance of a new husband and wife either.

The music, the dance, it’s all traditional!
The guests are already very lively, chanting and cheering on their feet. The floor is ready, phones are out, and it’s time for Chris and Lauren to do their thing.
Lauren stands to the left side in her dress but this time wearing black stockings. She’s already standing in the trademark pose with one foot crossed in front of the other while a signature Irish tune comes on the speakers.

They’re warming up.
An Irish jig begins to play and Lauren tiptoes, launching herself out of the corner with stiff legged kicks, bouncing so lightly on her feet, all while twirling and dancing across the floor. It’s only started but already the guests are clapping along.
Lauren obviously loves her heritage. No way is she this good without practicing for years. Her dancing is both dazzling and enchanting. It transports one to the mountains of Ireland where leprechauns and fairies dwell. A time of magic.

Definitely gold.
Lauren kicks and jumps her way across the floor, eliciting cheers from her guests as her husband watches. She’s doing her ancestors proud that’s for sure! And Chris is probably thinking, I married the right woman. Yes you did!

Lauren left a comment too!
“Hey everyone I am Lauren the bride. It has been 6 years since our wedding day and Chris and I have built a beautiful life for ourselves and our family. I absolutely love all the support and comments from everyone. Thank you for taking the time to watch one the most treasured memories I have. We worked very hard for a whole year on this and I am so proud of us for how well we did. Irish dancing is extremely difficult but also very fun!”

Lauren leaves the floor and right on cue, Chris takes front and center. He assumes the same foot crossed over the other stance all while looking dashing in his suit. His buddies behind him are beside themselves.

That’s a good lad!
Chris is well built. Like someone who devotes a lot of his time in the gym. But that doesn’t mean he’s not light on his feet. Chris has awesome footwork, quick yet smooth, as he tap dances and leaps and twirls to the music. He’s even got a little hip action!

And he knows it! For every cheer and every whistle, Chris gives a little smile without breaking stride. Lauren joins her husband and the newly married couple give their guests a partner dance so wonderfully synchronized it’s no wonder they were made for each other.
Everyone enjoyed the dance. From start to finish, guests were cheering and clapping along. They would have joined had it not been an exclusive dance between husband and wife. Chris and Lauren delivered and it shows how well they go together.

Check out Chris and Lauren’s dance in the video below!
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