This could have very well been a scene in a romantic comedy film.
It’s got all the right touches to it. Colorful outdoor wedding reception? Check.
Happy, uptempo music to dance to? You got it.

See, mom just got married and now she wants to show the world just how ecstatic she is by dancing. So she got her two daughters to join her for a super fun dance that delighted their guests.
Kyla Knox is one of the young ladies tasked to get down with her mom Jillian.

Set to Meghan Trainor’s “Dear Future Husband“, the three women take to the floor with Jillian’s husband Chris sitting in the center.
Of course! This is all for him!
With over six million views, this fun-tastic mom and daughters dance got so much attention that even the viewers couldn’t help but praise the family.
“this is like it came from a movie ending where everyone is happy”
Goes euphoria bloom.

Told you it had that movie feel to it.
Jillian’s daughters sweep gracefully towards the front, executing a lovely spin before striking a pose each.
Then mom follows, taking her position between her two daughters.
A slow spin, back towards the crowd before once again turning to face them have the guests waiting in anticipation.

Once the high energy beat kicks in, the three ladies launch into a sequence of alternating leg movements, going back and forth and left to right getting their guests to cheer loudly.
An impressed viewer commented,
“I love the relationship she has with her daughters”
Jillian’s still got it alright!

This was right after the daughters roasted their mom with their wedding speech.
Kyla and Molly took the opportunity to extract a little revenge. And it is hilarious. Jillian’s girls are naturals with an audience!
“We had to give you a little bit of crap, I mean come on, you gave us a microphone.”
See, Kyla is about 30 so she can get away with this.
Jillian still went ahead with the dance so they’re good!

Chris does love Jillian. He’s no singer but he did sing for her during the reception. His rendition of Little River Band’s “Reminiscing” had their guests cheering.
Though with a bit of alcohol, anyone would…
It sure was a fun wedding reception!

It’s the dance though that’s just oozing with fun. Jillian, Kyla and Molly stole the reception’s sunlight spotlight, and rightfully so!
And as adorable as her daughters were, it’s Jillian’s radiant smile and energy that captured the essence of the dance.
She even lip syncs along to some parts while looking at her husband.

The steps aren’t that complicated, requiring instead on that bubbly energy they have. And it works!
They spin and pose for the big finale once again getting their guests to cheer and applaud the ladies who just injected a whole lot of fun to this wedding.
That’s what they came for!
Watch this super fun wedding dance below!
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