When a legendary singer like Celine Dion said that if God were to sing, it would be with Andrea Bocelli’s voice, she meant it.
And she would know, as she’s sang with the Italian tenor many times.
Dion has witnessed the sort of magic that we were told only existed in fairy tales.

Andrea Bocelli’s voice is pure magic.
So when this little baby got all fussy, crying and getting upset, dad knew there was only one way to calm the child down. And that’s with an Andrea Bocelli song.
Which is funny since when Bocelli sings, adults cry.
So it was the opposite for this little guy.

The song is “Return To Love”, which Bocelli sings with Ellie Goulding.
This baby has good taste in music and we have his parents to thank for that!
When dad plays the song, the baby stops and just listens as if he’s being carried away to some far away land where fairy tales do exist.
And with Bocelli’s voice, it’s quite possible.

But music really is beneficial for babies if you do a quick search.

In fact, here’s a viewer sharing a little story about it.
She shares,
“My son was 3 months premature. 1lb 4oz. Many complications. Many surgeries. Many serious scares. The children’s hospital had “Music Therapists” who rotated throughout the hospital. Every time the therapist came to sing & play the guitar in his room, his heart rate normalized, his breathing & oxygen saturation improved. (She had the voice of an angel.) Music is good for the body & the soul.”
If that’s not a testament to the power and the magic of music…

To be fair, the baby stops crying when the piano comes in.
It’s a sweet, melodious piece that would stop anyone and even this child knew it was something special.
Good music has a knack for stopping us in our tracks.

Check out his shirt though, “The new family favorite”. Cute!
Carrie Bell had this to say in the comments section,
“How adorable! He has the same shirt my grandson has—“The new family favorite.” When I babysat my grandson—about that age—he’d cry till I sat with him in front of the TV and watched one song after another of One Voice Children’s Choir. He’d stare at the screen, mesmerized the whole time. Little people are soothed by music.”
Well most adults are too!

Dad even stops the track for awhile to ask his child about the song.
The response is an intro to more crying so dad went ahead and hit play again.
More proof that babies need music. It’s not just to change their moods either.
There are developmental perks on the line here. So start them young and teach them about good music.

This kid may become a famous singer someday with the stuff he’s listening to.
And yes, the little guy gives a small smile the second time he hear’s Bocelli sing.
Watch this cute baby appreciate the voice of Andrea Bocelli below!
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