Everyone loves to try and get glimpses into their favorite celebrities’ lives, to see if they’re just like us and their special moments! In this video, we get to see a glimpse into the personal life of opera singer, Andrea Bocelli, and his young daughter performs an adorable duet.

Who exactly is Andrea Bocelli?
Andrea Bocelli is a world-renowned opera singer from Italy and is known for his beautiful voice. Andrea Bocelli also was diagnosed with congenital glaucoma at five months old and ended up going completely blind around the age of twelve.

This made Andrea Bocelli’s parents encourage him to check out his musical talents, and the rest is history. Andrea Bocelli’s voice is incomparable to any other and his songs are so beautiful, it’s no wonder his voice is loved by the world.

Andrea Bocelli has also dueted with many celebrities, including Celine Dion, who commented if God had a voice, it would sound a lot like Andrea Bocelli’s!

In this video, we see Andrea Bocelli duet with his youngest daughter, Virginia and she was born in 2012. Andrea Bocelli also has two older sons, Amos and Matteo, from a previous marriage.

It’s no surprise talent like Andrea Bocelli’s runs in the family
Andrea Bocelli and his son Matteo released a song together called “Fall on Me”, a popular single that was put on Andrea Bocelli’s album “Si.” It just so happens the song Andrea Bocelli and Virginia choose to do is this song with Virginia doing Matteo’s part. The talent in this family is remarkable.

The video begins and it is in their living room, making it that much more personal. Virginia’s sweet voice definitely has the potential to be as popular as her father and brothers. It is so sweet to watch and see how much Andrea Bocelli adores his daughter and appreciates her love for music.

Not only are Andrea Bocelli and his children extremely musically talented, but Andrea Bocelli’s wife, Veronica Bertie, is actually Andrea Bocelli’s manager! So it is very possible there will be more family albums to come and we look forward to it.

Not only do we get to see Virginia’s talents, but we also see the bond they share
You can tell by this video, singing is Virginia’s passion as she seems to carry her karaoke machine with her everywhere! Watching Andrea and Virginia perform this song together is such an intimate moment to get to see and their voices are magnetic.

It is also so nice to see Virginia has not only her dad that can show her the ropes as well as an equally connected mom. This video has tons of positive comments commenting on this adorable family, such as:
“I really love the warmness when Andrea Bocelli sings with his daughter at home.”
“As much as I enjoy Andrea’s singing, sometimes watching him interact with his kids brings me more joy. The way he is so close with/loving/proud of them contradicts many celebrities (and non-celebrities).”

This video is so heartwarming for so many reasons and we are lucky we got to see an inside glimpse of the beautiful family dynamics of Andrea Bocelli. We will definitely be seeing more of his daughter in the future, we can feel it!

Check out this sweet familial duet down below for yourself!
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