Sure, occasionally sisters steal your clothes and do everything in their power to bug you.
But if you grew up with a sister, it can also mean you have the most beautiful best friend in the world, who’ll stick by your side no matter what.

It’s always a lot of fun having siblings.
Kids learn to socialize and get along at an early age and if mom and dad do their jobs right, those kids will learn to share, respect, and care for one another.
These are great characteristics to have as adults!

In a video that’s melting hearts, a nine-year-old named Allie decides to sing to her sleeping baby sister Ashlyn.
Ashlyn is seven weeks old here and looks every bit the part of a healthy baby.
She sleeps the day away in the arms of her big sister who is happy to serenade her with a song.

The best part is when Ashlyn breaks into a pretty smile at the sound of Allie’s voice.
She loves her big sister’s singing so much that it probably gave her the sweetest dreams ever!

Allie smiles herself. She tries to control her emotions but eventually stops singing as she breaks into a few tears.
Mom asks,
“Why are you crying?”
Allie says with a few sniffles,
“It’s because she smiled at me when I was singing.”

The big sister sweetly continues singing.
After a few moments, her baby sister opens her eyes for a few seconds before going back to sleep. Isn’t she adorable?
Allie chuckles at the sight while still trying to compose herself.

She’s one big sister who will always have her sibling’s back that’s for sure.
Ashlyn will have someone to learn all the girly stuff from.
Sisters are bff’s for life. They’ll share personal stories, clothes, shoes, and even get into fights for each other.

Singing to babies has its benefits.
Go anywhere, any place in the world and you will see people singing to babies.
These little ones begin processing sound as early as 25 weeks even identifying rhythmic patterns as you go along. Music is amazing!
There’s a proper way of doing it too. Notice how we instinctively raise the pitch of our voices and speak at a slower pace when addressing infants? That goes for singing too.
Why do you think nursery rhymes sound that way?

Singing to babies help strengthen the bond between parents and child, or in this case, Allie and Ashlyn’s bond.
It helps with a baby’s awareness and attention as evidenced by how this precious baby girl responded to her sister’s singing.
And even though they’re still babies, the words you sing help them understand language and communication.
Listening skills are developed and the familiarity of those voices instills a sense of security in the little one.

Even if little Ashlyn doesn’t remember her big sister singing to her, it surely helped strengthen their bond.
Plus, they’ll always have the precious moment on film.
Watch the video below to see Allie get emotional over her baby sister’s reaction!
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
Baby smiles in her sleep when sister starts singing
Oh my heart! You will love what happens when 9-year-old Allie starts singing to 7-week-old Ashlyn! #ImCrying #soAreYou #sisters
Thanks to mom Ashley Skaggs for sharing!
Posted by For Every Mom on Tuesday, May 9, 2017