Being compared to Elvis, the “King of Rock”, in almost any capacity is pretty high praise.
It’s especially true when it’s coming from music industry “judges”.
Drake Milligan has earned that praise.
The Fort Worth Texan just oozes all things “country”.

Drake grew up with a lot of hunting and fishing he says. But it was at the age of seven when he first saw an Elvis impersonator.
“And I was enthralled,” he says.
“I think that’s when I decided I wanted to become like Elvis,” he told the judges. “Well, it was cute at first. I would go put on the jumpsuits and dye my hair black. But it wasn’t till one of the first times I got on stage and sang some of my own songs. I figured, ‘Man, this is something I could do. I could pave my own way!”

Drake is now based in Nashville.
He does have a band and they are pretty popular.
Simon asks if Drake feels like this is going to be his big break. He answers with a yes.
If Elvis and The Beatles had the “The Ed Sullivan Show”, Drake has America’s Got Talent.
Simon wishes him good luck to which Milligan responds with a very Elvis-like, “Thank you very much!”

They performed a hit-worthy original.
Drake and his band played their original song called”Sounds Like Something I’d Do”.
It is such an upbeat song, so catchy that you’ll really bop your head along and smile at the energy these guys have on stage.
Those young girls in the audience seem to like it.

But really, it’s an awesome song, something perfect for a long trip on the road.
Drake’s got that deep, country voice that just matches the thumping bass of his song.
He’s got everything working for him.

The judges sang his praises.
“I think that song’s a hit. And I think that you’re a hit. You’re like the new Elvis of country. I think you’re going to break out from this particular song, this particular moment, on this particular night,” judge Howie Mandel told Milligan.

“The perfect combination, the song was amazing, you are amazing, and I think America’s going to go crazy. The girls are going crazy,” added Sofia Vergara.
The judge calls out to the girls in the audience who were all obviously taken by Milligan’s dreamy young boy looks and syrupy vocals.
He has the audience’s adoration.

“I think this performance should make a difference to what you’re doing because people are going to like you,” Simon Cowell told Milligan. “The song was really, really good as well. It was really authentic. That’s what I liked about it, because I know so much about country music!”
“For me, a good song is a good song. Everything works, and you’re very likable,” Simon continued.
“I also love that you guys are a band,” Heidi Klum said. “We don’t have a lot of bands yet, so I think you guys are perfect for America’s Got Talent.”
Time to tally the vote.

Of course, it was a yes from every single one of them, to which the audience thundered in applause.
There’s no question that Drake Milligan and his band are on their way to country stardom.
See the “new Elvis of country” perform an original hit in their audition below!
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