With aging comes the inevitable drop in energy. Aches and pains in random areas of your body you didn’t know had parts that existed. But they’re there and you can now feel them.
The trick is to find that passion, that fire, in you that once made you love life. A hobby, a talent, an interest, anything that makes you want to move and move until your legs give up.

Aging doesn’t mean we should stop. It means that we just have to take it slower and enjoy the scenery now. There’s so much more to appreciate in life.

Question is, what would you be doing if you reached the age of 90?
Let’s hope we’ll have this older gentleman’s fancy footwork!
Liya Kazbekova is a world champion dancer. She also teaches Latin and ballroom dancing in Los Angeles, California. She shared a video on Instagram that went viral. His name is Tom and is 96.
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Tom’s been a dancer all his life.
He’s been dancing for about 30 years but eventually stopped doing so after losing his wife. She was his favorite partner on the dance floor. Heartbreak does that to a man but when his son enrolled him in dance classes with Liya, Tom found his legs again.
“He is 96 and he is a dancer,” Liya wrote as a caption. “My inspiration and motivation. Applause to my student — Tom. Once a dancer, forever a dancer.”

96. Read that again. 96.
Like riding a back, just get back on it and your body remembers. Talk about muscle memory.
And would you look at Tom move with Liya. Now imagine what he must have been like decades ago with his wife. Nothing like dancing with your favorite partner.

He loves dancing, he loved his wife, and he got to have both at the same time!
Tom’s got a lot of life in him. Way more than we tired social media, corporate folks do. He comes from a time when playing outside until mom called for dinner was the norm.

When the news was either on paper or a radio and it was actually cool to get dirty with friends without a cellphone.
We’d be lucky to even be able to walk straight at 70. And here’s Tom shuffling with a pro dancer at his age.
Imagine Liya’s surprise the first time Tom walked into those doors and stood up to take his place with her on the dance floor. Imagine her initial surprise at his moves.

And now everyone knows what a dashing gent Tom really is!
This is like him saying, “put your phones down after you see this. Try it.”

Now aside from those amazing moves, wouldn’t it be nice to hear Tom’s stories and insights on how to live a good life?
Somewhere up there, Tom’s wife is looking down smiling as she moves along to the rhythm of her beloved’s heart. And that is the most beautiful dance a man could ever have.
Watch Tom’s dancing with Liya below!
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