This duet is thriving on nothing but puppets with a prayer and everyone needs to hear it.
Darci Lynne Farmer and Terry Fator.
We’re assuming that introductions are unnecessary. The two AGT powerhouse ventriloquists have taken the world by storm as solo acts, but now they’re hitting us with some truly next-level talent.
And of course, they’re doing it mad puppet-style!

“The Prayer”
You might remember that both Andrea Bocelli and Celine Dion originally recorded solo versions of “The Prayer,” one in Italian and the other in English, for the 1998 animated musical, Quest for Camelot.
And when these two world-renounced artists came together to sing a duet on stage, it was pure magic. Ever since everyone’s been in love with the song and its beautiful lyrics.

Award-winning songs like “The Prayer” have a way of turning into the 31 flavors of Baskin Robbins, with every artist, trying to make a name for themselves by mixing their own vocal flair into the internet of things.
And that’s not even a bad thing because how can more of a song that is built upon hope and inspiration be bad for us?
Obviously, Darci doesn’t think it is.

While there have been plenty of famous singers out there who have tackled this tune, none of them can compare to Darci Lynne.
The famous ventriloquist-singer won season 12 of America’s Got Talent for a reason, after all. Why?
Because singing ventriloquists are pure gold.
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Being a good singer is something that you either have a natural talent for, or it’s something you’ve honed through tons and tons of vocal training throughout the years.
And then you have folks, who through the power of otherworldly magic, can somehow make their hand puppet lip-sync to their crooning as they belt out a song without opening their mouth.
Basically, we’re talking about the only two people in the world who can pull off this feat with any success, and boy, does Darci Lynne and Terry Fator seem to be having so much fun doing it.
A match made in ventriloquist heaven

Yep, that’s right. Terry Fator is the other, equally talented singer-ventriloquist that’s a part of this picture.
You might remember that he won America’s hearts back in season 2 of AGT, and deservedly so.
What do you think happens when you combine the talent of two superstars in the same plane of existence?
Mesmerizing talent. That’s what.
Well, this is one of those times when the math doesn’t quite add up, because 1 + 1 = halleluYEAH!
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It’s the Christmas video that’s gifting its way across the internet!
Darci Lynne is now a grown-up.
At 16-years-old, with her bunny puppet Petunia (age unknown) is joined via Zoom with Terry and his puppet turtle friend, Winston.
Before they get started with the performance, Winston and Petunia decide to rattle off a list of things they want for Christmas.
When the pink bunny declares that “world peace” is the most important thing on her wish list, the spunky little turtle quickly decides that he wants the same thing too.

Let’s just say this can easily be coined as a performance you won’t soon forget. Your ears and heart will thank you.
See their unmatched performance of “The Prayer” below!
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