Shoutout to dads everywhere.
Dad’s aren’t exactly known to be the most charismatic people in the world.
It’s like all men lose their charm after having a child. Or at least that’s how the stereotype goes.
This particular dad’s proving all the haters wrong. Unlike most, he has swag.

This dancing dad’s a huge fan of the British rock outfit known as The Vamps. They formed in 2012 and have since recorded numerous chart-topping singles. So when they came to town (Thorpe Park), Dad had to go.
He loves them. And he’s not afraid to show it.
With hundreds of others in attendance, Dad breaks into a groove to one of his favorite tunes.
Every intense concert dance session has to feature a clap or three.
Dad knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s basically seen it all.
He’s rocking those jeans like it’s the 90s.

Dad never stays idle. He has so many dance tricks up his sleeves.
Those are some seriously smooth moves… Have you ever seen Dirty Dancing?
Well, here’s Daddy Dancing.
Ladies beware – this guy’s already taken! This man is living life like nobody else at the concert.
Dad continues to dance mostly in place, loving every moment of his existence.

Those jeans are the perfect fit… and the solid blue collared shirt brings it all together.
Next, comes the twirl. Wait for it…
Dad always looks this good. People just haven’t been paying attention.

That face says everything. Body language is the best language. Other than music, of course.
Fortunately, Dad’s fluent in both.
That face and those fists make for quite the sight.
He’s having the time of his life out there. All the teenagers should be taking notes.
Dad’s having so much fun he even whips out the robot. Yes, the robot.

How’s your robot? Dad’s is powered on and ready to be unleashed.
Have you ever seen a robot in jeans?
Well, meet Dadbot 2.0.
But seriously, what we have here is someone loving life. Every day’s a great day to enjoy yourself!

If you think he looks like a dork – shame on you. He’s having an absolute blast out there!
Find a single person in the crowd having more fun than Dad.
I’ll wait. I have time.
Dad’s pretty pumped. He pays his respects to the band. What a marvelous time.

It’s not every day that The Vamps come to town. And it’s not every day that you see a dancing dad busting moves.
I wonder if the members of The Vamps have seen this video? I’m sure they’d be pleased.
That’s one dope setup. Everyone’s having a blast, especially Dad.
He might actually be the oldest in the audience.

Nobody else does it quite like Dad. I mean sure, everybody seems to be having a good time. But Dad’s having the time of his life!
Shoutout to dads everywhere. Even when they’re corny, they’re still the best!
Make sure to watch the entire dance sesh in the video below. It’s sure to put a smile on your face!
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