High school talent shows are scholastic events where you’ll discover the next finalist for America’s Got Talent.
Or maybe the local district’s “Got Talent” franchise.

But the best part about this event is how friends take this opportunity to get creative with their own production, surprising their mates with over-the-top performances, elaborate props, and dance moves that will make you laugh more than cheer – which, we believe, is the most important part.
Ben and Carey did exactly this in the 2012 Monrovia High School Talent Show where the grand prize is a life-changing $150.
It might not give you a house by the beach, but as high school students, that is a lot of cash!
In order to win the prize, the duo wore their best on stage – bandanas, spiked hair, leather jackets full of swagger, and pairs of pants that might be a bit out of place. Well, that’s the point, most especially when you need to stand out in a showcase of scholastic talents.

What song better fits this gut-wrenchingly hilarious performance than The Sugarhill Gang’s “Apache”.
The boys got into their positions and waited for the song to play.
As the music starts, the whole auditorium cheers for the boys, knowing that this performance is something they would remember.
But something tells us that it’s not because of its spectacular production.

The song blasts out the beats, to which, the two followed along with their popping hips. They thrust forward, side to side, then back, making the audience laugh louder than they should.
However, they are just getting started. As the song picks up, the boys rip off their pants to reveal a pair of short shorts. These aren’t just for show, though, because one of them sprints at full speed then jumps on his partner.

The other guy swung his friend around in an interpretative version of swinging a sack of potatoes.

In the end, this proves to be too difficult as he throws his friend to the side of the stage.

He comes back in one piece, however, and they both roll their arms to the rap part of the song.
Some of their moves are a bit clowny, but some of them are downright scandalous.
At one point, one of them takes a knee, while the other ran across the stage and makes a full front flip! His butt might have taken a beating but the cheers of their classmates made up for it.

At the end of the night, it was their classmate, Grace, who went home with the much-coveted $150.

She performed David Friedman’s “My Simple Wish”, to which she craftily masked the unsavory words with clever phrases.

The musical number might have won the cash, but the duo knows that performances like theirs would always win the crowd. Who knows? That routine might end up in a reality TV show one day.

You can watch how the duo made their classmate howl by watching the video below.
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