There’s nothing we love more than spending a few weeknight hours watching America’s Got Talent, so when we came across this breathtaking performance from France’s Got Talent, we figured a few extra minutes of quality programming wouldn’t hurt.
The best part is that art transcends language boundaries, so not understanding French isn’t even a problem here. Everything you need to know can be understood through the duo’s powerful dance moves and emotional reactions.
In this case, body language speaks more than words ever could.

Swiss dancers Nadia and Dakota devote their performance to reflecting the physical and mental harm domestic violence victims must face.
The duo even uses makeup throughout the dance to display the bruises and scars victims all too often gain in abusive relationships.

Nadia and Dakota begin their performance head to head, but their calm faces quickly turn to tears and strife.
Moments later, Dakota gives her the sweatshirt off of his own back, but she still pushes him away. Trying to fight back, she swings at his face, but he still grabs her while temporarily comforting her. He reaches his hands out to help her back up, but she instantly jumps back in fear.
With mixed signals on whether he will help or harm her, she is constantly in fear of what is to come next when he’s around.

To aid in their artistic adaptation, the couple incorporates several impressive jumps, twists, and turns.
They beautifully portray the harsh realities of domestic abuse through their elaborate dance skills and storytelling. Their performance ends as the man finally gives up and takes his shirt back, leaving the girl alone.

They say a picture speaks a thousand words, so this performance may just speak a million.
Performed to Sindi Arifi’s song “Drunk in Love,” this duo gave a remarkable production on toxic love. Through their passionate performance, the partners were able to beautifully express the love they have for each other, as well.

After Dakota and Nadia’s breathtaking dance performance, the judges are left speechless with a few even shedding tears over the powerful message displayed.
Admittingly, I’m not much of an expert when it comes to understanding French, but that performance seemed to get nothing but rave reviews from the judges.

It was so good that the duo earned the Golden Buzzer!
In case you’re new to the Got Talent franchise, the Golden Buzzer is a direct pass to the next level and on to the live shows. Each judge is only allowed one Golden Buzzer per season, so receiving this honor is quite the feat in itself.
The duo went on to place second on the 2018 season of France’s Got Talent.

Reaching over 1.6 million views on YouTube, the couple has shed light on the horrors of domestic violence to viewers around the globe, but their work isn’t over yet.
The duo continues to perform and raise funds to support domestic violence survivors and aid in ongoing awareness and education.

Currently, Dakota and Nadia are in the works of launching their very own show, JUDAS, to continue spreading awareness on the fight against domestic violence.
The show is expected to air sometime in 2021.

To view Dakota and Nadia’s stunning performance, be sure to check out the video player below:
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