Let’s face it, for a while there was no escaping the kid’s song “Baby Shark.” Just the title alone might have you singing, “Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo.” (I’m so sorry!)
Children of all ages grasped onto the infectious tune, so of course, parents couldn’t get it out of their heads either. Even a lot of people without kids were exposed to “Baby Shark” at some point or another.

You’d think the Army might be one of the only places you wouldn’t hear the viral children’s song. That’s probably true…unless you’re a soldier at Fort Gordon in Georgia!

A drill sergeant decided to try and make things fun by using “Baby Shark” as a cadence.
We can all picture it. Soldiers marching in unison while loudly singing a song together. However, a children’s tune is the last thing you’d expect to be coming out of their mouths.
Sgt. 1st Class Lincoln Crisler leads his soldiers in cadences as they march around Fort Gordon. Instead of doing one you’d normally imagine soldiers repeating – he turned to “Baby Shark.”

The video quickly spread across the internet.
Lines of soldiers in uniform can be seen marching along with Sgt. Crisler. After he shouts the ever-so-popular lyrics, the men and women sing back, “Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo.”
But does he cover all of the sharks? Oh yes, he does! In the video, Crisler goes through the whole song – including baby, mommy, daddy, grandma, and grandpa shark.

“Baby Shark” has a popular dance that goes along with it.
Pinkfong’s video on YouTube features two little kids dancing to “Baby Shark.” If you haven’t watched the video before – you may have seen your kids doing the moves in the backseat of your car. Or hey, no shame if you’ve done them yourself!

But what’s most incredible is that the “Baby Shark” video has over seven billion views. Seriously, seven billion! The song also took the 32nd spot on Billboard’s Hot 100 chart in January of 2019.
These Army soldiers have willpower.
In the clip, all of the men and women sing their part of the song. But the fact that they are able to keep their arms at their sides takes strength. Surely some of them are aching to do the shark dance!
One viewer wrote:
“Sorry but I couldn’t hold it I would burst out laughing probably getting everyone in trouble lol”

Lucky for us, Sgt. Crisler wanted to film the “Baby Shark” march. It’s also no wonder that the video went viral.
According to Fort Gordon News, Crisler is known for being creative with his cadences, which he switches up. The children’s tune was only one of many unique cadences he’s used.
The drill sergeant said:
“They work long days, I work long days, it’s kind of cool to have something else going on.”

The internet has gotten a kick out of watching a bunch of soldiers march to “Baby Shark.”
As to be expected, many funny comments have been left in response to the video. Someone wrote:
“Their drill Sargeant must just have a toddler at home that made him go through this and that gave him inspiration.”

Another person commented:
“I have never enjoyed listening to baby shark as much as I did just now”
Sometimes you gotta think outside the box. This drill sergeant certainly did just that when he had his soldiers sing “Baby Shark!” What will he think of next?

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