What’s not to love about a little bit of fun on the job? Especially when it’s fun that comes from someone… unsuspected!
In a video uploaded to YouTube, Jay Lavery, the dancing farmer, showed off exactly how he got his namesake!
And let me tell you, his moves put mine to shame!

The video starts off innocently enough, Lavery is simply sweeping with his broom, cleaning up the hayloft of the barn. There’s a bit of music and then…
A hip bop. Lavery is loving the music!
It’s Pon de Replay, by Rihanna, of course.
Lavery starts a great dance using his broom as a prop!

He’s the last guy you’d expect it from and yet here we are talking about the video! He’s so very confident while he dances and he’s visibly having a blast as he goes! It doesn’t get much more wholesome, folks.
Except! This is one farmer you actually should be expecting some slick dance moves from.
Jay Lavery is the dancing farmer from The Dancing Farm!

What is The Dancing Farm you ask? Well, they’re only the coolest farm in New York. From their about page:
“The Dancing Farm was established in 2011. We are a cooperative learning facility for organic and sustainable farming, hospitality and living.

“Our goal is to create a peaceful and enriching environment for all of our plants and animals
“living on our property as well as providing a place for learning, relaxation and rejuvenation. Our testing and learning facility is a working farm with Dairy Goats and Sheep, Heritage Breed Chickens and Turkeys, Ducks and Guinea Fowl.”

“Unlike many other farms
“our farm animals are an integral part of our farm ecology.
“By practicing Permaculture Design we are constantly working to enrich the soil using only organic and sustainable fertilizers from compost, poultry manure and worm castings all of which are produced on our Farm. Our new facility will not only be a working farm but will also have a full service Bed and Breakfast Hotel showcasing our life on the farm.

“Our guests will have the opportunity to participate in all of our farm duties
“from collecting eggs and milking our goats to learning how to make cheese, maple syrup and farm to table meals.”
How cool is that!? They’re giving people the opportunity to see where a lot of their food comes from! And even more importantly, they’re showing people how much hard work it takes to produce a lot of these meals!

It’s a beautiful thing to see someone that cares so much about their craft!
The farm has an entire YouTube channel
where we get things like Lavery’s fantastic dancing and other fun videos!

Lavery even posts on Facebook, educating people on the difference between “cage-free” (bad) and “pasture-raised” (good)!
He also uses it to just keep customers up to date on how their products are coming, like eggs or goat-milk caramels!
It’s some of the most wholesome internet usage you’ve ever seen.

The Dancing Farm is a lot of fun, and their videos give you a small taste of what they have to offer!
You can check out their YouTube channel here, their Facebook here, and their website here! There are plenty of pictures of adorable farm animals to go through!
Below is the video of Lavery’s fantastic dance to Rihanna, check it out for a contagious smile, some good grooves and a hearty laugh!
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