When it comes to classical music, one composer always comes to mind.
Beethoven is possibly one of the most famous composers in the history of music. His work shaped classical music and is still popular over 200 years later. In this video, musicians in Tokyo led a flashmob at a mall to commemorate the first time “Symphony No. 9” was played in Asia in 1918.

His music is so timeless, we’ll surely hear it for centuries to come!
“Choral Symphony No. 9” by Beethoven revolutionized music as a whole. It was the first time a major composer had added a choir to a symphony, and it was written while Beethoven was completely deaf.

In this incredible video, composer Keita Matsu and the Tokushima Kinen Orchestra begin setting up their cellos and violins right in the middle of a staircase at Omotesando Hills in Tokyo, Japan.
Once set up, they start playing “Symphony No. 9” beautifully.

More musicians begin walking up the stairs to join the flash mob as well!
Now with dozens of violinists and cellists playing together, the music becomes fuller and more beautiful. It doesn’t stop there—more performers walk down the stairs, this time with flutes, french horns and trumpets.

When the other instruments join in, the performance becomes a full-on symphony flash mob…but it isn’t complete yet.
With composer Keita Matsu leading the way, the flash mob plays “Symphony No. 9” before the next layer of talent comes into the mix.

The Musashino Chorus joins the flash mob and begins singing Schiller’s poem “Ode to Joy.”
Tons of gorgeous voices suddenly start singing the legendary song, many of whom are standing off to the side as if they were just spectating. The singers standing on the upper levels of the mall look down on the symphony and sing “Ode to Joy.”

That’s when the camera angle zooms in on four solo singers who clearly have opera experience.
Some of the solo vocalists sing in extremely deep voices while the others hit all the high notes imaginable!

Now, with the flash mob complete, their melody roars through the massive mall.
Beethoven would be proud! This flash mob does a terrific job playing the legends song with conviction and power. When everyone comes in together, their wonderful sound echos through the halls of Omotesando Hills.

So what is the reason for the flash mob?
This flash mob was an event to bring attention to the 100th anniversary of “Symphony No.9” being played in Asia for the first time ever.

The flash mob finishes in brilliant fashion, speeding up the famous song in a marvelous grand finale.
When it comes to the end of the song, everyone gives it their absolute all in an outstanding final display. It’s like they’re playing in fast-forward— they finish the song with the pedal down to the max!

People on the internet couldn’t get enough of the extraordinary show and their moving performance of one of Beethoven’s most famous works of art.
Since it was posted, the flash mob at Omotesando Hills has been viewed over 5.3 million times with 61,000 liking it.

Over 4,500 people also left comments for the talented symphony, many people commented on their love for Beethoven and “Ode to Joy.”
If you’ve never really listened to Beethoven, you should give it a go—his music just does something special to you. It’s amazing to see how his music has touched so many people from all around the world.

To see this incredible flash mob for yourself, just watch the video below!
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