Stage fright is a very real condition. With this, an individual goes before an audience and seems to completely forget why they’re there. Although this happens to public speakers, we hear more about it as it relates to performers. It’s as though they lose all confidence.
It affects big celebrities
You might not know it but a lot of famous people have this. A few examples include Barbara Streisand, Adele, Andrea Bocelli, and Rhianna. Yet somehow, they’re able to overcome their fear to provide performances that people don’t forget.

Kids have it too
For the most part, kids are pretty brave. But even some of them struggle with stage fright. You know, they walk out to sing or dance and then suddenly, they freeze. That’s when you hear parents and teachers whispering from a distance, trying to coax them to perform.

Overcoming her fear
One little three-year-old went through this. She was to perform an Irish dance but she was so nervous that her teacher had to lead her to the center of the stage. They take their position. You can hear Irish music playing in the background but will she perform?

Needing some encouragement
Standing there, she’s obviously uneasy. Before she begins, her teacher walks over to hear and says something. While we don’t what it was, this precious girl nods her head “yes.” From there, she places her right foot into the starting position.

She takes off
Considering how she looked a second ago, you’d expect it to take her a little bit of time to get into the dance. But that’s not what happened. In perfect timing with the music, she begins to perform. Let’s just say she’s so good that this video has now been viewed more than 4.1 million times.

Amazingly talented
After kicking her leg up high, she dances all the way across the floor. As she goes, she does some incredible Irish dance steps. It’s like she became an entirely different person. Stage fright? Nope, it’s gone.

Fast and fun
If you’ve never listened to Irish music before, you’re missing out. The songs are not just fast tempo but also fun to dance to. And by the looks of it, this girl is having the time of her life. Remember, she’s only three years old.

Captivated audience
As you continue watching the video, take a second to look at the other kids and adults in the background. You’ll notice they don’t take their eyes off this tiny dancer. She’s captured their attention and their hearts.

Feeling happy
You’ll notice something else…she begins to smile. As the audience claps in time to the music, her face lights up. She’s gone from being scared to on fire. She might be small but there’s no question that she loves performing.

She gives 100 percent
Throughout the entire piece, she doesn’t let up. To this girl, dancing is serious and she’s out to do her very best. But she does more than that. She proves to everyone that she’s a natural-born performer.

If she’s this good at her young age, just imagine what she can accomplish as she grows older. You can see this sweet video by clicking on it below. It’s worth watching.
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