As excited as both bride and groom are for their big day, people tend to forget that bridesmaids and groomsmen play huge roles in weddings.
They not only add to the glitz and glamour of the event, these lovely looking men and women are itching to party too!

It gets even cooler when the new husband or wife add to the event’s entertainment.
Getting married doesn’t necessarily mean slowing down and behaving like uptight folk.
Besides, wedding receptions are supposed to be fun!

Kirk and Valerie have exchanged vows, kissed, and are now officially man and wife.

So let’s party!
Kirk is a professional dancer.
He decided to surprise his beaming bride with an awesome dance number, so together with his best buddies, the evening became even more special for Valerie and their guests.

Now Valerie is a ballerina herself.
The wedding reception took place at the Richmond Centerstage in Virginia where Kirk and Valerie have shared many performances together.
It made the event that much sweeter.
What better way to start than with a little “Uptown Funk” from the multi-talented Bruno Mars?

Eight well dressed men stand behind Kirk in a V formation. Valerie sits in the middle of the dance floor ready to delight her senses with a number that will go down in this couple’s history book.
The dance is more club party than a serious piece of choreography.
Sure they pull off the moves together but it’s more entertainment and laughs that make up the dance.
It’s about having fun after all!

Still, the formations are really good, and those moves aren’t easy.
The aim may be to draw laughs while entertaining but it is a deceptively difficult set of moves to do. Easy for these fine gentlemen.
The running man, anyone?
Valerie and the guests are loving it. After a little bit of “Uptown Funk”, they line up in front of the bride then start removing their jackets.

Britney Spears’ “Crazy” starts blasting through the speakers. Suspenders and slacks galore!
Confetti starts raining from the ceiling, giving the performance that additional music video feel.
The guests love it! Now it’s Kirk with four of his best mates, with a dance very much akin to a 90’s boyband except done to a Britney song. It’s pretty cool!
That familiar triangle step with the hip swaying brings back childhood memories.
And as a tribute to the beautiful ballerina bride, the men do a pirouette before striking a pose. Perfectly done!

It’s now more interpretative than ever with Kirk and the guys maximizing the use of their limbs to emphasize certain parts of the song.
And how about a big finish?
Kirk launches himself in the air, twisting his body to land sideways and in one fluid motion, raises himself on his neck with his legs spread in the air. Check out Valerie’s expression.

Another group of four take the floor, this time with jackets on, dancing to Classified’s “Higher”.
Eventually, the rest of the guys fall in. The dance is a smoother more flowing style, something even shy guests could follow had they chosen to.
You can still see the brilliance of these talented dancers, adding a bit of Latin flavor for a taste of sexy.
They switch to Kenny Loggins’ “Danger zone”, wearing those Maverick style sunglasses.

It doesn’t take long before they switch to another song and style, this time going full country with matching cowboy hats.
They move to a line dance, matching the song’s beat with that classic one-two, three-four step and twirl.
It’s so cool to see them take different genres, put them together and just have a great time.

The country tune ends with Valerie bewildered, smiling from ear to ear. That’s one happy bride!
Everybody on the dance floor now!
Seems like Kirk and the boys are contagious. The ladies and kids join in on the fun, everybody high on the performance they just witnessed.
Now, shut up and dance!

See how the groomsmen surprise the lovely ballerina in the video below!
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