When we think of police officers, we usually think or stern and serious individuals but even the cops like to have a little bit of fun. Ever since the internet broke with dance and lip-syncing challenges, police departments all around the world have shown us how funny the law enforcement community can actually be. These cops from Clevland, Tennessee, went viral for this hilarious lip-syncing routine that had people bursting with laughter.
The looks on their faces’ will crack you up!

These 6 policemen from Clevland, Tennessee, don’t hold back in this epic lip-syncing challenge
Not only did these police officers go massively viral for their hysterical performance, they were also selected as one of the top 30 departments in the CBS Lip Syncing To The Rescue challenge.

In the video from 2018, the officers lip-sync to ‘Havana’ by Camilla Cabello featuring Young Thug and it turned out incredible. At the beginning of the video, you can see the cops pulling up to a gorgeous house in their police cruisers.
As soon as the lip-syncing begins, the officers make ridiculous faces while they sing the words

Whoever filmed and edited this video also does a great job, the camera switches angles to capture each officer individually before transitioning into the next scene.

That’s when the cops end up in the backyard by the swimming pool, a location that adds to the overall aesthetics of the brilliant video. When the first officer starts his solo, he lunges forward on one knee with his arms spread out with the other officers on poolside chairs waiting for their turn.

When Young Thug’s part comes up, another officer does a solo scene that goes perfectly with the song

I have a feeling this officer practiced this part in the mirror a few times, either that or he’s just a natural-born performer. The next scene is the best of all, The officers actually get in the pool in full uniform, with one floating across the pool on an inflatable flotation mat.

Just when you thought it couldn’t be any better, the cops flip their colleague who’s laying on the floating mat. Another officer does a perfect backflip into the pool before they team to have a classic chicken fight all while continuing to lip-sync the popular song.

The dedication these officers put into this lip-syncing challenge is obvious and made all the difference
It’s easy to see that these police officers from the Cleveland, Tennessee Police Department gave this their all. Which is probably why they were the only department in Tennessee to be selected for the CBS Lip Syncing To The Rescue challenge.

Millions of viewers from all around the world couldn’t get enough of these lip syncing cops, many ladies commented on how easy on the eyes the officers were.
The video has over 1.8 million views on YouTube, with 13k liking it and hundreds leaving comments

With hundreds of police departments from all around the world contributing to lip-sync and dance challenges, it’s hard to stand out, but the Cleveland PD managed to so with ease.

With the relationship between civilians and law enforcement changing day by day, it’s good to see police officers letting out their playful side and showing that they’re not robots. To see this sensational lip sync challenge, watch the video below!
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