Men love hardware stores.
Bored dads, energetic uncles, single bachelors, heck even kids love to stroll the aisles and check out all the tools and equipment on display. Everything from gardening tools, home appliances, switches, lights, to automotive, it is a grown man’s toy store.
Of course, being grown men, you would expect then that these adults would observe the proper decorum and like we were taught as kids to not touch anything on display, that they would remember.

We’re guessing that talent is an exception.
Besides, how many hardware stores have an actual piano on display that the staff would let customers just sit and play on it?

This guy must have been out and about just enjoying his time when he happened upon the store and its piano on display. What’s a man got to do? He sits, cracks his knuckles, and plays. And wow.
Oh and he’s not just playing. He is singing his heart out.

Talk about having the rock and the roll, he is unbelievably talented. That is passion on display right there and looks like he could care less about the attention and the money. It’s the music, baby!
This is Boogie Woogie piano plus the vocals. This genre became popular in the 1920s but was developed by African-American communities in the 1870s and from then on has grown in popularity and variations all across the globe.

There are quite a few big names on the internet. People like Brendan “Dr. K” Kavanagh, Ladyva, and Henri Herbert have huge followings on YouTube blowing people’s minds off with their incredible talent.
So why isn’t this crazy guy up there in the upper echelons of Boogie Woogie? Well according to the description, he is just a,
“Random guy rocks a piano in a hardware store. Watch this guy play the living out of this unfinished piano in a hardware store. The piano isn’t even functional!”
Turns out his name is Jacob Tolliver and he’s quite the talent and he’s even been a contestant on American Idol!

This piano punishing guy has over 6.6 million views and 44k likes.
Wherever he is, we’re hoping he continues doing his impromptu playing whenever there’s a piano available. No one will complain that’s for sure.

Check out some of the comments. Looks like he’s making fans.
“I hope his Mom got to see this so she knows those expensive piano lessons paid off in the end.”
She saw this video. Countless times and we’re willing to bet on it. Here’s another one.
“This got to be one of the best cover ever done!! I would pay just to hear and see him play !!!!!!!!!!!! Aloha my man.”

Now viewers are drawing comparisons between this red cap wonder and the great Jerry Lee Lewis. The first rock n roll musician who proved to the world that a man with a piano could lead a band and be front and center on the big stages. Though the man had a lot of controversial stories during his career so let’s hope this hardware boogie man doesn’t follow that path.
With that said, just take the time to appreciate this man’s raw talent. His passion is undeniable fire.

Goodness, gracious, great balls of talent in a hardware store! Watch this Jacob Tolliver’s incredible talent in the video below!
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Source: YouTube, Boogie Woogie, Jacob Tolliver