Have you ever tried Hula dancing? It may look effortless at a glance, but it is definitely not an easy dance to perform!

But that is not the case for young Xhunaxhi, a little Hula dancer who has made her parents proud of her amazing win at the ConfederaciĆ³n Interamericana de Danza 2014 (Inter-American Dance Confederation 2014). Oh, no big deal. She just won the gold medal, no less!
Her epic performance was loved by everyone in the audience simply because it was captivating to watch a little girl dance the Hula the way Xhunaxhi did. She was absolutely phenomenal!

Wearing her orange Hula costume and headdress, this talented young girl already garnered cheers from the crowd as she stepped towards the center of the stage. She looked so shy, but when the music started to play in the air, this little girl turned into an incredible dancer!

The audience truly did not expect her to be this good! She may be little and she may be really young, but she is talented in a huge way! Her tiny frame did not give away the fact that she’s an amazing dancer.
Every move she made totally captured the crowd and they can’t stop themselves from cheering for the little Hula performer. Her presence is definitely felt on that stage and her compelling performance left everyone watching her in awe. She charmed everyone with her cute smile as she moved and grooved the best Hula performance the crowd has seen in that stage.

Xhunaxhi’s personality resonated in the entire room. Everyone was hanging onto her every step, captivated with her adorable aura and her infectious energy. What a fantastic performance indeed!
We may think that dancing a Hula dance is just like any other kind of dance. But, it is actually about storytelling as well. Originating from Polynesia, Hula is currently most identified as a Hawaiian native dance.
It is a dance that is usually performed with a “mele” or chant. The moves in the dance tells about the words said in the “mele”. This is why a Hula dance is more than just dancing and hip-swaying, it is also a performance that needs understanding and a heart that knows how to convey a message.

The dance performed by Xhunaxhi did not have any chant that played along with her music, but people watching her certainly got the message: she is one talented young Hula dancer!
It is quite understandable how she ended up bagging the gold medal in her category. Her performance was superb and everyone in the crowd was mesmerized by her talent and her charm.

She is definitely a star and everyone saw her as she shone brightly at that stage.
The crowd hung unto her every move as she reached the finale of her performance. She ended her dance with a beautiful pose and an even brighter smile that left the audience wild with cheers. She was amazing through and through!
Curious to see this amazing girl perform? Watch the video below and prepare to be amazed.
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