Can you remember being in high school?
Although there’s plenty of good things that we learn in the early stages of life, not everybody has an equally good time. On the one hand, there’s a complicated social landscape to navigate.

On the other, there’s difficult math classes and the looming pressures of adulthood just ahead. Still, even more basic than all these issues is the simple fact of how boring school can be. No matter how important school may be, sometimes the students just need a break to have a little fun.
And that’s exactly where school assemblies come in.

Even if they’re not always thrilling, a good assembly was always good for breaking up the school day.
While sometimes these were organized for important announcements, the best days were when they were organized only for fun.

During pep rallies, the whole school gathered to show off their creativity and their spirit—and in the age of YouTube, many of those performances end up online for posterity.

As with any other emerging genre on the internet, this creates a culture where the bar constantly gets raised for who can be more creative.
And for evidence of this trend, look no further than this video.

The clip we’re talking about was posted online in September 2016.
It was uploaded by the PAC dance team at Walden Grove High School for a homecoming assembly. Still, even if schools often have dance performances during these assemblies, few of them are as elaborate as this one is.

At the very beginning, the gym floor is empty and “You’ve Got A Friend In Me” from Toy Story starts playing. In the background is a large replica of Andy’s toy wagon from the movie as well.
Just a moment later, a student wearing a cowboy hat and dressed as Woody trots out to the middle of the floor to applause.

After a few dance moves, he opens up the toy chest—and out pops some green army men and another woman dressed as Jessie!
Before long, Jessie and Woody dance and twirl one another. By this point, the audience knows what’s going on—this is going to be a Pixar-themed assembly!

Still, things get a little more dramatic when a Buzz Lightyear emerges… and then the entire Incredibles family! With everyone assembled, the group of dancers does a few dramatic moves. Still, the characters just keep coming.
Before long, there are more than 20 dancers out all dressed as characters from Pixar movies!

Towards the end, some hip hop music starts playing and all the characters start dancing in unison.
Although the dancing is impressive all in itself, what really takes this performance above and beyond is the acting and costuming in the first half!

And after all, there’s something truly hilarious about seeing everyone’s favorite Pixar characters dancing the way they do at the end. At the very end, all the “toys” go back in the box—and the audience gives them a huge round of applause.
Since the clip was posted, it has earned more than five million views online!

Though it goes without saying, performances like this show just how creative we can be when we put our mind to it.
Even if high school assemblies are a thing of the past for most of us, it’s comforting to see that the tradition is still alive and well—and possibly better than ever!

Fortunately, with the advent of the internet, we can all relive our glory days through innovative performances like this one.
Special thanks to the Walden Grove dance team on their performance! Be sure to watch the whole thing in the link below:
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