Of all the many reality singing competition shows, it doesn’t get much better than The Voice.
For those who haven’t watched before, the show puts a twist on the standard reality show format. Instead of having the contestants come out and perform as they normally would, instead they all have to do “blind auditions.”

What this means is that the judges have their backs turned and the contestants sing that way. If the judges like what they hear, they can hit their buzzers to turn around and try to win the contestant on their team.
What many people don’t realize, however, is that The Voice is also an international franchise.

Though the American version is the one we’re all most used to, the one we’re talking about today is from The Voice France.
The performance took place in 2016, and was performed by Tamara Weber-Fillion. On the same season, Weber-Fillion shocked the audience with her incredible rendition of Bob Dylan’s “Knocking on Heaven’s Door” which earner her a four-chair turn and 27 million views on YouTube.
In her later rounds, Weber-Fillion stunned again by choosing the very popular “Riptide” by Vance Joy as her song to sing.
From the beginning of her playing, it’s clear what song she’s chosen.

Once again, Weber-Fillion’s voice is incredible and so distinctive.
Although this one is less of a total reinvention than the Bob Dylan cover was, this one is more of a crowd-pleaser and immediately has everyone on her side.

Once again, her voice evokes other significant singers such as Tracy Chapman—and she’s sure to add her own flourishes to it to make it more interesting. While the crowd is definitely enjoying her performance, the judges are also on the edges of their seats.
In particular, Weber-Fillion’s team leader Mika watches her so intently!

As her performance continues, everybody in the crowd is swaying along to the lyrics.
Though this song is definitely simpler than the one she sang before, there’s something about the way she interprets it that clearly touches everyone in the crowd.

While the song doesn’t have any particularly sharp peaks or low lows, it seems the perfect choice to express all the soulfulness in her voice and her spirit. When it’s finally over, she strikes the last few chords of the song.
With that, the audience gives her an enormous round of applause.

Since the clip was posted on YouTube, it has been viewed more than a million times and growing.
Although there have been plenty of talented singers on the franchise over the years, there’s something particularly special about Weber-Fillion. Although her voice isn’t particularly flashy, it quietly crackles and contains its own soulfulness that is totally unique to hear.

Regardless of the results of that season of the show, it’s clear that talents like Weber-Fillions are going to find a way to make themselves known no matter what. Though you never know what will happen in the future, we’re guessing we’re going to hear a lot more about her down the line!
Congratulations to Tamara Weber-Fillion on another amazing performance! Be sure to watch the entire thing in the video below:
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