Part of the excitement of prom is picking out the perfect dress for the occasion.
Even those who aren’t attending enjoy looking at everyone’s dresses and tuxedos. Many girls order their dresses from dress shops or boutiques. They can spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on the perfect dresses. Not everyone can see the point in spending a fortune on a dress that will only be worn for a few hours.

Instead, they look for cheaper options.
Just because someone has a less-expensive dress, doesn’t mean they can’t look drop dead gorgeous at prom. One girl recently took a $50 dress that she bought online and turned it into a one-of-a-kind head-turning gown. She looked amazing, and she didn’t have to worry about anyone else having the same dress as her.

When her boyfriend shared photos of the couple on social media, people went crazy for her dress.
Everyone wanted to know where she got it. When he explained that she had bought it from an online store for a cheap price and added the details, nobody could believe it.
MJ and Nazmayde both looked amazing in their bright blue outfits. MJ wore a metallic blue tuxedo, and Nazmayde wore her altered dress that matched perfectly.
So, what made her dress unique? It started out as a simple fitted dress that hit just above the knees. She added some flowers to the bottom of it to make it a mermaid-style dress and to make it a little more formal. The results were amazing.

MJ has a pretty popular Instagram page.
He has a lot of followers who like to look at his stylish photos. He often mimics looks from celebrities. He said:
“My dream is to be an actor and social media comedian. I’ve never really thought about being a fashion designer.”

He helped Nazmayde pick out her dress, but she came up with the idea to add something special to it.
Her aunt ended up making the altercations. When MJ’s inbox blew up with people asking about his date’s dress, he posted:
“Ok since ppl inboxing me asking where she gets her dress from …. I found it on @fashionnova for her and she had the idea to add flowers at the bottom … that’s it💙 a $50 dress is all flowers was all it took 😬we both creative as hell.”

It’s clear that these to both have an eye for fashion and aren’t scared to try out new styles.
Their photo has gotten over 50,000 likes, and everyone is leaving supportive comments about it. Some of those comments included things like:
“I applaud you both because of your cohesiveness you will inspire many that wouldn’t have the means to purchase expensive prom dresses.”
“I wouldn’t even look at the dress on the left because it would be too short for me, but the way you designed the dress on the right, I would buy it in a heartbeat 😭.”

As with most social media posts, there were also a good number of haters.
Some people said the dress was tacky or ugly, and some people even had the nerve to say that she should have spent more money and bought a dress instead of making her own.
The dress and the couple had so many supporters, though, that they jumped to their defense and told the others to back off. There wasn’t a thing wrong with her dress, and it looked just as good as the ones that other girls paid thousands of dollars to purchase for prom.
This couple isn’t about to let the haters get them down. They know how good they look, and they both know how much they love fashion. The sky is the limit for these two. If they can create a dress like this as high schoolers, what will they think up as they get older?
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