From darkness to light in only three days. Christians know the story all too well. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, passed on the cross on a Friday afternoon, was laid to rest in a tomb, only to rise early Sunday morning.
The late pope of the Catholic church, John Paul ll, said so himself,
“Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are an Easter people and hallelujah is our song.”
Christians remember the passion of Jesus but also celebrate on Easter Sunday as a means of worship.

Fort Frances, Ontario sisters Cassandra Star and Callahan Armstrong have been singing together since they were little kids, but just recently caught the world’s attention with their version of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah“.
The lyrics were written by Kelley Mooney, swapping out Cohen’s version with words fit for Easter.

It tells the story of Easter while still following the original version’s melody. The song brings to mind the story of Christ on the cross. Religious or not, you have to admit this is special.
Armstrong shares why she decided to record this version with her sister.
“My Nana is such a religious person and she hasn’t gone to church because of COVID and this really made her feel the Lord’s presence again.”

The sisters recorded the song as a gift to their grandparents while Nana battles her illness. The family is separated for the holiday as well.
Callahan also says,
“It has been absolutely unbelievable. The outpouring of love from people all over the world. Globally we are reaching people and it’s just touches our souls knowing how many souls we’ve touched.”
That’s what Easter is all about.

And even if you’re not a believer, or if you’re not the bible reading type, the lyrics are basically what happened in the bible. If you’ve seen Mel Gibson’s film, “The Passion of the Christ“, you’re there!

A week and half has passed since uploading and already the sisters garnered over 1.5 million views.

Their Easter message has reached nearly all corners of the globe, and in a world that’s still fighting and recovering from the effects of the pandemic, this song hits all the right spots.
A cop named Jae posted in the comments section,
“I’ve seen lots over 32 years as a cop…this brought tears to my eyes……so beautiful….thank you for this in the midst of the chaos…..from Thunder Bay.”

Isn’t that just powerful?
Then another viewer says,
“I came across this looking for something “Easter” to watch. As I listened, I suddenly found myself crying. It’s so beautifully done; and, as always, I cried listening to the crucifixion of Jesus.”

Just listen to the sisters. Their voices blend so beautifully, harmonizing and complimenting each other’s tone so perfectly that all you have to do is close your eyes and let them take you back to those three days that changed the world.
Listen to these talented sisters below sing this Easter version of Hallelujah!
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