For all the piano and blues fans out there, you understand that this particular genre reaches deep into the soul. It stirs emotions a lot of people didn’t know they had. Although all music is wonderful, there’s something extra special about the blues.
But now imagine someone who’s gifted on the piano playing a combination of boogie-woogie and blues. Although these two styles have some similarities, they’re also quite different. So, putting them together creates a one-of-a-kind sound that’s impossible to match.
Tommy Johnson
So, who is Tommy Johnson? He’s an unbelievably talented keyboard player who’s with the St. Louis Blues. Although he performs some of the old favorites, he’s always eager to try new things. As you’ll see in a video that’s now been viewed more than 320,000 times, he did just that in 2011.

His inspiration
When asked where he got the idea to mingle blues with boogie-woogie, Johnson explained the idea came to him after hearing Stephanie Trick and Jeff Barnhart, two of his favorite artists.

A beautiful intro
After making a few minor adjustments to his keyboard, Johnson begins with an intro that sounds more like it might lead into a classical piece. But it doesn’t take long for you to realize it’s going in a completely different direction.

Tickling the ivories
He then starts playing a blues song. Immediately, you can hear the soulful sound that millions of people love. Even though the music just began, Johnson is already 100 percent focused on giving viewers an outstanding performance.

That sound
You can’t help but be impressed by Johnson’s ability on the keyboard. He used every octave to create an unbelievably fantastic blues piece. His hands move quickly but seamlessly throughout the entire song.

A smooth changeover
Right around the one-minute mark, Johnson smoothly transitions from blues to boogie-woogie. At the same time, this genre still has a hint of the blues sound. Accompanying him at that point is someone in the background playing snare drums.

He’s a true master of music
As he brings the two styles of music together, you have to marvel at what Johnson can do. No, it’s not hard to find a great blues pianist and one that excels playing boogie-woogie. But finding someone who’s outstanding playing both together, that isn’t so easy. Molding the two takes a unique skill.

Really getting into it
With the faster beat of the boogie-woogie music, Johnson becomes more and more intense. By the small hops of his body and movement of his head, he’s feeling every note. He’s so wonderful to watch.

Zooming in
At one point in the video, the person filming the performance zooms in on Johnson’s hands. That’s when you can really see just how precise every placement of his fingers is. This is the kind of musician you could listen to and watch play all day long.

Wow…just amazing
You don’t even have to be a blues or boogie-woogie enthusiast to appreciate what Johnson accomplishes. Thankfully, viewers can watch this four-plus minute long video of him playing or choose from one of his other many postings.

The blend of blues and boogie-woogie is uplifting. If you’re having a bad day or you simply want to listen to good music as a way to relax, we invite you to watch Tommy Johnson in action. Simply click on the video below to enjoy it.
You might also check out the second video of Stephanie Trick, one of Johnson’s inspirations for his unique collaboration.
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