As anyone who spends much time on YouTube knows, it’s easy to get lost on there!
The way the website works is that once you’ve watched something, YouTube’s algorithms know to send you other content that’s similar to it or just like it.

The result is that once you’ve found one interesting thing, you’re liable to keep watching and watching until you’ve spent hours of your time. Though we all have our favorite ways into there so-called “YouTube holes,” some kinds of content are definitely more addictive than others.
And one of the most addictive for me personally are choreography videos.

Although there are plenty of amazing spontaneous performances on YouTube as well, there’s something incredible about a polished dance video!
While there’s virtually no end to these kinds of videos, some of the most popular and the most impressive take place at Los Angeles, California’s Millennium Dance Complex.

In these videos, professional choreographers run their own YouTube channels where they post and perform in dances that they’ve come up with themselves. Although they’re all incredibly impressive, the video we’re talking about today is a little unusual.
That’s because at the end, there’s a special surprise in store.

The performance was choreographed by Phil Wright, a dancer who already went viral after coming up with “The Parent Jam.”
For anyone who hasn’t seen them, those performances feature kids and their parents doing choreography together to modern pop songs. Still, this video is set up differently.

As it begins, the song “You & I” by John Legend plays and the dancers come out in pairs to perform to it. Although it’s a slow song, each of the performances has plenty of energy and intensity.
From the beginning, it’s clear just how talented these dancers are—and they all make it their own!

All told, there are around three to four pairs before the main reason for the video starts.
As the video goes on, the later performances have slightly harder choreography and more moves designed for couples. Finally, it’s time for Wright himself to perform his own choreography… and he does it with his girlfriend.

Once again, the paid move through everything smoothly and perfectly. After all, it was Wright who designed the moves!
After they hit one of the last couples’ moves, Wright’s girlfriend turns her back… and he slowly pulls out a little box.

Although it’s unclear what’s happening at first, Wright then gets down on one knee—and the whole studio loses their minds!
Before long, everyone is crying and all the other dancers rush in to form a tight circle. After that, Wright tells her that he loves her with all his heart and that he wants to marry her.

After it’s all over, she says yes and they get a huge round of applause! When it’s all over, some of the other dancers even have tears in their eyes as well.
At the very end, Wright carefully puts the ring on her finger!

Since this video was posted, it has earned itself more than 18 million views.
Although there have been plenty of incredible surprise proposals online, this is definitely one of the best ones we’ve ever seen!

Although it’s definitely a huge shot in the arm for Wright’s choreography, it’s also a beautiful moment that he and his wife won’t ever forget.
Congratulations to the newlyweds and the dancers alike! Be sure to watch the entire thing in the link below:
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