Though it might go without saying, one of the best things of living in a big city is all the diversity.
In many small towns, day to day life is mostly the same. You wake up at the same time in the morning, you go to work, and you come home seeing most of the same sights.

On the other hand, even commuting in a city can lead you to some pretty incredible experiences. Probably most infamous about these spontaneous encounters is the prevalence of street performers.
Still, it’s not often that you see a street performance quite like this one.

Like so many others, it starts with a bunch of people minding their own business on a subway.
Shortly after that, two men can be seen speaking to each other. One of them is holding a guitar while the other is sitting across the train talking to him. “I’ll give you a dollar if you can play that,” the seated man says to the other performer, goading him on.

The guitarist laughs a little at this. The song the other man is asking about is “I’ll Be There” by the Jackson 5, and sure enough, the guitarist is up to the challenge.
After that, the man sitting down has another request.

He tells the guitarist that he’ll give him another two dollars if he can play “Money” by The O’Jays.
For his part, the guitarist responds that he’ll play and sing it for five. Before long, he’s beat-boxing and playing the guitar along to the song perfectly! At this point, everyone else on the train is getting into it as well.

When the guitarist starts singing, it’s clear that he has an amazing voice in addition to his guitar chops! Everyone on the train is having a good time at this point.
Still, the requests don’t stop there.

Next up, the man asks if the man can play “Billie Jean” by Michael Jackson.
Sure enough, he doesn’t miss a beat and transitions into beat-boxing and playing the guitar melody of that song perfectly as well.

After that, the seated man stands up—and asks him to play “Play That Funky Music White Boy” by Wild Cherry. As soon as he requests this, everyone on the train cracks up laughing. Regardless, the guitarist is totally undeterred.
After a few moments, he’s playing that one perfectly as well!

Still, he tells the man who requested it that he needs a little bit of help with the words.
Before long, the two of them are doing a hilarious duet for the entire train! As the song builds, the two are positively rocking out—and half the train is joining in as well. Finally, the two reveal what’s really going on: they aren’t strangers!

As it turns out, these two go on trains and pretend to be strangers to get the audience comfortable before revealing their act. After that, the first man does an incredibly fast freestyle rap to the man’s guitar.
At the end of it all, they announce that they’re out on the train selling their own CDs… and it’s a pretty good sales pitch!

No matter how you feel about these kinds of impromptu performances, we have to admit this is one of the better ones we’ve seen.
Without a doubt, trying to make a career as a musician is a difficult path. Beyond that, it’s even trickier to market and sell yourself without any name recognition already. Needless to say, these two are doing it the right way—with a ton of great vibes and positive energy!
Congratulations to these two on a fun performance that has been going viral! Check out the full thing below:
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