There are plenty of things we have to overcome to seize our dreams.
For starters, we need to have a basic spark of talent and the ability to recognize it. Beyond that, it takes the right time and place, a little bit of luck and a lot of perseverance. While these are all important factors, some people have even more obstacles to overcome. If you’ve been through a rough childhood or have other extenuating factors, chasing your dreams can be truly challenging.
That’s why this audition was so particularly inspiring.

The performer in question was Wade Cota, a 27-year-old man with a big heart.
Cota brought his mom with him to the audition because, as he says, she’s his buddy. In the behind-the-scenes interviews, Cota says that his life with his mom hasn’t been the easiest.

For starters, the family has been having some financial problems ever since they were very young. Still, he says that they’ve been able to stay afloat and overcome through their love for one another. Aside from that, however, there were also some other serious issues.
When he was still young, Cota’s mom was married to an abusive husband.

According to Cota, his dad used to beat up both his mom and the children repeatedly.
Though his mom was crafty and tried her best to protect the kids, it took a long time for them to be completely safe. After waiting for a couple years, she found an opportunity to take all of the kids away from their home and run away from their abusive dad.

Although he was so happy that his mom managed to escape with his siblings, Cota was still traumatized by those early experiences.
Despite all that pain, he still rose up and found a way to present himself on the show.

After the very emotional behind the scenes montage, Cota stood proud in front of the judges.
He told everyone that he was going to perform “Blame It On Me” by George Ezra and with that, he pulled out his guitar and set into it. Although the judges were excited to hear him perform, when his voice comes out it’s not what anybody expected.

Although his speaking voice is soft and delicate, his singing voice is very hoarse and raspy with plenty of soul! Though he definitely has a great voice that can hit the notes, there’s so much character in it that you just can’t fake.
When the audition is over, all the judges have smiles on their faces.

As they say in the evaluation, they weren’t expecting “for that person to jump out of your body.”
After giving him all kinds of compliments and telling him how unique and powerful his voice is, all three of the judges give him a yes to continue to Hollywood! Although there have been plenty of powerful auditions and performances on American Idol throughout the years, Cota’s story is really something special. Though he definitely has the talent necessary to appear on the show, his story and his passion are about more than just his own success. As he says in his own words, he also wants to change life for his mother, who he loves so much.

Congratulations to Wade on his great audition and inspiring story! Watch the full clip below:
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