This little girl sings “Old MacDonald” with an enthusiasm that’ll bring joy to your day.
Everyone knows the song “Old MacDonald Had a Farm,” and most of us have been singing it for as long as we can remember. Even so, few have as much enthusiasm as Josie Palonen.
Josie may just be a few years old, but she is already an internet sensation thanks to some help from her dad, Eric. He films her regularly to savor each moment, and one of Josie’s most watched videos is her rendition of the classic farm song.
At the time of this video, Josie is 23 months old and speaks just like most other kids her age – not very clear. Even so, you will love listening to and watching her sing Old MacDonald Had a Farm, especially the animal noises she makes along the way.
Those animal sounds are filled with such enthusiasm and accompanied by a huge smile that is sure to bring a smile to your face and keep there for the full day.

At first, Josie seems a bit hesitant about the song, but it quickly becomes clear what her favorite part is.
When she reaches the first “E-I-E-I-O” at 0:16, her face lights up and she stomps along exuberantly. Josie is also incredibly enthusiastic about the animal sounds, showing off her impressive range of facial expressions and the various noises she can make.
Unsurprisingly, Josie does hit a few struggles at times. After all, she isn’t even 2 in the video. So her temporary pause after “oink oink there” is understandable. Following each pause, however, she gets right back on track as if nothing happened.
To make this video even more fun, Josie adds her unique touches. Instead of just singing about a “dog,” she changes it to “little dog.” Her “woof woofs” will surprise you. Instead of the deep barks, most people sing at this point, she opts for a higher pitched one, like you’d expect from a very small breed.
As Josie continues through Old MacDonald’s song, she gets help remembering the animals from her trusty book, complete with finger puppets. It is clear that this book helps her remember which animal she still has to sing about.
After the “little dog” comes the “little cat” and then a “little duck” to wrap things up.
The grand finale of the song is what truly makes this video worth watching.
At 1:33, she starts getting into the last “E-I-E-I-Os,” and Josie’s enthusiasm is clear. Especially when she decides to hit a high note for the final “O.”
In fact, Josie was so excited about the song, that she exclaimed “Yay!” at the end.
The cuteness doesn’t end there, however.
Josie’s dad asks, “What song was that?” and her answer is a classic toddler response.
“Piggy…. Cow…. And piggy…. And little duck. Little doggy. Little cat. Little duck.”

Josie has come a long way since her viral rendition of “Old MacDonald” took off.
Three years after that video, her dad continues to film her and post videos on YouTube, where you will find dozens of clips of varying lengths. Just a month ago, her dad posted one of her making a comic book.
Eric, Josie’s dad, also regularly posts photos of her on Instagram, including this sequence of shots capturing “The four stages of #happiness.”

Josie has also added playing baseball to her list of hobbies.

Since her viral video singing everyone’s favorite song about animals on the farm, Josie has certainly grown up.

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