Typically speaking, going shopping for groceries isn’t all that exciting.
If anything, needing to go to the grocery store week after week is something of a chore that none of us particularly look forward to.

Along with doing laundry and cleaning the house, grocery shopping is just another part of life that most of us try to avoid thinking about (or sleepwalk through when we’re actually doing it). Still, sometimes unexpected things can happen in the grocery store when we’re paying attention.
And this video is a prime example of that.

Like so many of these spontaneous grocery store performance videos, this one starts off pretty unassumingly.
As it starts, a man wearing a heavy jacket and a hat can be seen pushing around a grocery cart. After that, someone holding the camera asks the man if he can sing a little something for him.

After laughing a little bit, the man complies. What he starts singing is “I Won’t Complain” by Reverend Paul Jones, a popular gospel song. Right from the very beginning, it’s clear this man has plenty of singing talent—and his voice is so soulful.

As the song goes on, the man’s voice only gets stronger and more confident.
Towards the end, he stops pushing his cart altogether—and people in the aisles start to gather to watch him sing. Right before the song is over, he holds an incredible, ringing high note that never seems to end.

Once he’s done, everyone watching starts to cheer and clap for the man’s amazing performance. So far, the clip has earned almost two million views on YouTube!
Still, this man’s identity remains a little bit of a mystery.

The only clues that are out there are that the video was uploaded to YouTube by user David Whitney.
Beyond that, the clip was written up by The Christian Post, who were able to identify the grocery store as a Super Foods 1, a grocery store chain based out of Texas.

In Whitney’s own video description, he writes that the man in the video is originally from Louisiana.
Still, the YouTube comments offer some clues of their own. In fact, one commenter claimed to be the man’s niece:

If what she says is true, the man in the video’s name is Steven… though beyond that is pretty unclear.
Whitney uploaded the video with the hashtag #IAMSTEVEHARVEY, hoping that the video would get enough traction online that the singer might be able to appear on the show! Though it seems like that never happened, it’s true beyond a doubt that this man brightened up the day for everyone in the store.

If there’s anything else to learn from this video, it’s that it pays to be present in life all the time—even when we’re doing things we don’t necessarily want to be doing. Even for those who aren’t Christian, the spirit of this performance is easy enough to understand.
Thanks to Steven the mystery Gospel singer for offering a little inspiration! Watch the full clip below:
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