Though there are plenty of different reality competition shows out there, one of the best has to be the Got Talent franchise.
There are more straightforward singing shows like American Idol, and there are more spontaneous singing shows like The Voice, but the Got Talent franchise is unique.

Although there are still plenty of singing and dancing performances on that show, it’s also open to performers of all kinds—and also to pretty much any age. Beyond that, the show is also an international franchise with different versions around the world, each with its own unique flavor.
The performance we’re talking about today came from the 2014 season of Britain’s Got Talent.

The performer in question was Ricky K, a unique and multi-faceted performer.
Like any other audition, it begins with Ricky K walking up to the judges and introducing himself. Although it’s clear that he won’t be singing, it’s not totally clear what he will be doing.

To set the act up, he simply says that he’ll be doing a “fairy tale of love.” With that, the crowd gives him a big round of applause and the audience clears the way for him to perform.
Still, nobody quite expects what comes next.

As the performance begins, Ricky K suddenly becomes much more animated and takes a step back.
In the background, a voice over starts playing and explains that this is a story of a man meeting a woman in a bar. With that, Ricky K starts smiling broadly and the audience laughs along with him.

As he acts out all the exaggerated emotions of the story, he gradually wins the crowd to his side. A moment later, the voice over says the man just wants to go over and say hello to the girl—and right as he does, Lionel Richie’s “Hello” starts playing and Ricky K mouths along.
By this point, even judge Simon Cowell is laughing along!

As the performance continues, that joke continues on and on.
Next up, he does a tiny snippet from a David Bowie song—and later on he even strikes a few overly dramatic dance moves. In the middle of it, he does a hilarious dance medley to a bunch of funny songs and has the crowd cracking up.

Still, Ricky K definitely has some moves! The performance continues with him snapping in and out of musical impressions and dramatic acting of the emotions of the song.
When the song “I’m So Excited” starts playing, he even starts doing a kick line!

Although it wasn’t a standard singing or dancing performance, it was definitely unique and it captured everyone’s imagination!
As his audition shows, you don’t always have to take a standard approach to situations like these talent shows.

Instead of going with a straightforward performance, he let his goofy personality shine through and won over the crowd that way. While it’s unclear how Ricky K might translate this peculiar act into something more, it was definitely entertaining to everyone in the room that day!
Congratulations to Ricky K on impressing the judges and trying out something new! Be sure to watch his entire hilarious performance in the clip below:
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