Of all the reality singing shows, one of the most subtle and complex has got to be The Voice.
Unlike other competing shows like American Idol, The Voice has so many elements of surprise built into it. While most shows have the contestants come out before a panel of judges, perform and then be voted forwards or backwards, The Voice puts a twist on this formula.

Instead of the judges and contestants seeing each other right away, the judges have their backs turned and can’t see who’s performing. If they like what they hear, they can buzz in and compete for that person to join their team.
But what’s also interesting about The Voice is how many different kinds of it there are around the world.

Though the main show we know is the American adult version, there’s also an entire show dedicated to kids.
The show is aptly named The Voice Kids, and it features all the same rules and set-ups with younger contestants.

While many of the adult performances are incredible, there’s something so special about seeing people who are so young singing just as well as any adult could. For evidence of that, consider one audition from the show’s 2019 season.
The performance was a battle round between two contestants named Mimi and Josefin.

Although the battle rounds are typically designed so one of the contestants knocks the other out, the best ones transcend that.
In essence, they become beautiful duets rather than direct competition between two people. That was definitely the case on this show, when the two singers decided to perform “Creep” by Radiohead.

Although the original is a quintessential ‘90s post-grunge song, the way they did it totally transformed it. As the video starts, there’s a count-in as the piano backing begins.
Before long, both girls are absolutely singing their hearts out.

The piano is amazing, and it earns the duo their first buzzer.
A moment later, the other singer takes over to sing and two more judges buzz in as well. Although both singers are incredible on their own, it’s when they both harmonize together that the judges and the whole audience loses their mind!

Although it’s hard to cover a song that a group of people already has such strong associations with, Mimi and Josefin find an incredible way to bring it to life all over again.
As they harmonize, some of the judges can’t even believe what they’re seeing!

As it continues, each singer gets a chance to do their own solos and harmonizations.
When the performance is all over, all of the judges are on their feet. While there have been some amazing auditions on the show before, something about their synergy together had everyone in the room so blown away.

While it’s not easy to get all of the judges to turn around on the show, it’s arguably even tougher to do it when you’re still a kid! In fact, their performance is so good that the judges make them do it again just for fun. It’s not everyday that The Voice gets a performance this good.
Congratulations to Mimi and Josefin for blowing everybody away! Watch their full performance in the link below:
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